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A gorge in the mountain ridge, through which runs the modern road between Paderborn and Pyrmont, leads from the spot where the heat of the battle raged to the Extersteine a cluster of bold and grotesque rocks of sandstone near which is a small sheet of water, overshadowed by a grove of aged trees.

"Pyrmont and Minden," he says, "rested very closely with me, and to them I felt bound." It might not have been worth while to have made allusion to these dreams, which ought perhaps to be rather as the continuation or echo of his thoughts than as their original source, but for the deep importance which John Yeardley himself attached to them.

In the autumn of that year she went to the Continent, with several companions, her brother Samuel Gurney managing the travelling. They saw Bruges, Ghent, Brussels, and the great prison of Vilvorde; Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Pyrmont, and Hameln, where there were about four hundred prisoners, all heavily chained.

From this man Vivian learnt that Lady Madeleine Trevor had been at the Baths for some time before the season commenced: that at present hers was the party which, from its long stay and eminent rank, gave the tone to the amusements of the place; the influential circle which those who have frequented watering-places have often observed, and which may be seen at Ems, Spa, or Pyrmont, equally as at Harrowgate, Tunbridge Wells, or Cheltenham.

She replied, "Yes, and I believe it is also yours: this is Gospel love indeed; while so many here will not think for themselves, you come so far to visit and help them." In saying this she was overcome with tears. John Yeardley left Hamburg on the 2nd of the Seventh Month, and arrived at Pyrmont on the 5th. Writing to his brother, he says: I have now had a specimen of German travelling.

My heart 's in the earth, and I must have distractions. My present distraction is De Pyrmont, a good Catholic and a good Austrian soldier, though a Frenchman. I grieve to say it's horrible that it sometimes tickles me when I reflect that De Pyrmont is keen with the sword.

In returning from Leipzig, J.Y. and his friends committed a more serious offence against the pragmatical regulations of the German States. On our journey homewards we had much perplexity with some cloth, &c. which J.S. had bought in Leipzig to bring to Pyrmont. This arose from want of better information respecting the laws of the Prussian territory. They are exceedingly strict as to duties.

Wilfrid struck his forehead miserably. 'Stop Lieutenant Zettlisch. Don't let him go up to her. Don't De Pyrmont beheld in astonishment that a speechlessness such as affects condemned wretches in the supreme last minutes of existence had come upon the Englishman. 'I'm afraid yours is a bad case, he said; 'and the worst of it is, it's just the case women have no compassion for.

As he apprehended the Friends who were coming from England might require a guide, John Yeardley went to meet them at Rotterdam. His journey, and the singular coincidence of Martha Savory's concern with his own, are described in a letter to his brother, written after his return from Holland. Friedensthal, Pyrmont, 7 mo. 14,1825.

We applied what means were in our power, and I urged our remaining at Pyrmont, and sending to defer the meeting; but he would go on to Lemgo. His whole frame was much shaken, and we passed a sleepless night, so that the meeting next day was not a little formidable. It proved a much longer journey to Vlotho than we had expected; when we arrived we found a large number assembled.