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In conjunction with Thomas Shillitoe he proposed to the Friends, as only one meeting was held on First-days, to have one in the evening for religious reading, holding it at Friedensthal in the summer, and at Pyrmont in the winter. The proposal was immediately complied with, and the institution proved a valuable auxiliary to the edification of the members. 8 mo. 25.

I could not prevent them from expressing their thankfulness for such a mark of Providential interference, in this way to afford the poor woman a little relief and encouragement. Four days afterwards, having then returned to Friedensthal, J.Y. adds: "Since our visit to Hille, the person above-mentioned is dead!"

He had ingratiated himself so thoroughly into the esteem and love of his Pyrmont friends, that his departure even for a short time was the signal of lamentation through the whole meeting. On the 11th of the First Month he had a farewell meeting at Friedensthal, which was attended by almost all his friends. With his parting blessing he had some counsel to impart.

The three Friends were favored most instructively to labor in the meeting for business. They are now gone to Minden; I feel tenderly united to their spirits in much love. John Yeardley's residence was at Friedensthal, a hamlet about a mile from the town of Pyrmont. In a letter to his brother he thus describes the situation of the place, and his own comfortable accommodation:

I can truly say that on their behalf my pillow has been often wet with my tears. On the 3rd of the Second Month, he left Friedensthal, accompanied by a young Friend whom he was to conduct to a temporary residence in England, and in whose religious welfare he was deeply interested. While waiting in Hamburg for a vessel, he felt keenly his solitary situation in the world. 2 mo. 9.

As he apprehended the Friends who were coming from England might require a guide, John Yeardley went to meet them at Rotterdam. His journey, and the singular coincidence of Martha Savory's concern with his own, are described in a letter to his brother, written after his return from Holland. Friedensthal, Pyrmont, 7 mo. 14,1825.

Fifth mo. 26th, I left Friedensthal to visit my friends in Minden and its neighborhood; and after spending about two weeks there, I felt very much inclined to give our friends the meeting at Rotterdam.

In the evening I took a walk in a large plantation which he had himself planted when young, and had now lived to see afford him a comfortable retreat. John Yeardley was taken ill when in Suffolk, and on settling down again in his quiet home at Friedensthal he writes: 7 mo. 15. I am drinking salt-spring-water, and my health is mercifully restored.