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I walked up and down the town, but fancied myself so ill disguised, and so easy to be known, that I cared not to talk with anybody. I was uneasy in my mind, and took no care but to get out of the town; however, we all came off well enough; but 'twas well for me that I had no provisions with me, as you will hear presently.

"My lord," replied Assad, "it is near two months since my brother and I set out from our own country: we have not ceased travelling, and we arrived here but to-day; my brother, tired with such a long journey, stays at the foot of the mountain, and I am come to buy some provisions for him and myself."

Even now, we were not quite certain that they might not take it into their heads to shoot us all, and we longed to see them making sail and clear away. The provisions, however, they had left with us, showed that the intentions of some of them had been kinder than the conduct of the crew in general would have led us to expect. The second boat now reached the beach.

Setting sail in the morning of the 23d, six large canoes overtook them, bringing dried fish, cocoas, bananas, tobacco, and a small sort of fruit resembling plums. Some Indians also from another island brought provisions to barter, and some vessels of China porcelain.

Some of them called on me and evidently already knew of the expedition. They carried only rice as provisions and told me they intended to be away three months. On the Upper Kasao there is no more rubber to be found, and, according to them, on the upper part of Mahakam there is no more rattan.

"Does she take passengers?" "That depends on who the passengers are, and whether they are satisfied with the ship's mess." "They would bring their own provisions." "What else?" "What else?" "Yes. How many are there?" "Nine; two of them are ladies." "I have no cabins." "We will manage with such space as may be left at their disposal." "What else?"

This, scenting a trap, he feared to do, nor could they put out to sea without provisions. "Cannot Sir Hugh Lozelle see to it?" asked Rosamund. "Doubtless, if he will," answered Hassan, grinding his teeth; "but he swears that he is powerless."

Their hearts, moreover, were won by her evident sympathy with their down-trodden and suffering race. On one occasion she encountered an Egyptian pasha, returning with a booty of slaves from a recent razzia. She besought him to release the unhappy creatures, and when he refused, purchased eight of them, immediately setting them at liberty, and supplying them also with provisions.

But this, nevertheless, was our secret hope, hardly admitted to our most intimate friends that we could bring out a record of the Colorado as it is, a live thing, armed as it were with teeth, ready to crush and devour. There was shopping to do; for the purchases of provisions, with a few exceptions, had been left to the last. There were callers, too an embarrassing number of them.

But though he enjoyed the triumph over his enemies and the knowledge that his return, the provisions he had brought and the inspiration of his courage and activity were of great benefit to his fellows, nevertheless at times he experienced a feeling of loneliness. He thought of Pocahontas and wondered whether she would not come to Jamestown.