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There was nothing upon them to arouse the slightest suspicion, no weapons of any sort beyond a small pocket-knife carried by one man, and not much in the way of either papers or money. Before going out one of them produced a small card on which was written, 'Carlton Hotel.

Annet, Linnet, and Matthew Henry sat side by side on the granite roller by the gate and watched their friend Jan eat his mid-morning snack or "mungey," as it is called in the Islands. It consisted, as a rule, of a crust of bread, but Jan had supplemented it to-day with a turnip, which he cut into slices with his pocket-knife. He had been pulling turnips since six o'clock.

In fording streams, it is well, if the water be deep and swift, to carry heavy stones in the hands, in order to resist being borne away by the current. Fords should not be deeper than three feet for men, or four feet for horses. Among the small conveniences, a good strong pocket-knife, a small "hard chisel," and a file should not be forgotten.

Cut the lariat close up to the Buchanan, and then hold on to the Grizzly." Restored to his self-possession, Sweeny laboriously wound the straining lariat around his left arm and sawed it in two with his jagged pocket-knife. Then came a doubtful fight between him and the Colorado for the possession of the heavy and clumsy tub.

"Not a thing unless it would be this," and he held up a pocket-knife, which had been a gift of his mother's. "If you will give me the knife I will give you your supper and a ticket to the next station," tactfully proposed the man, not wishing to make Austin feel like a beggar.

He halted there, pulled out his pocket-knife, and judicially selected a hickory limb, which he cut and carefully pruned. "What're you goin' to do?" asked Pete apprehensively. "I'm goin' to give you a lesson on the evils of gamblin', Pete, especially when you don't know how." "But I did know how," persisted Pete. "I beat them fellers twice, and could beat them every time.

Nothing further was said until Silas was seated in the vestry, in front of the minister, with the eyes of those who to him represented God's people fixed solemnly upon him. Then the minister, taking out a pocket-knife, showed it to Silas, and asked him if he knew where he had left that knife?

One of these heroes, whose stature and complexion are still there for me to admire, did tricks of legerdemain, with the scant apparatus of a handkerchief, a key, a pocket-knife as to some one of which it is as fresh as yesterday that I ingenuously invited him to show me how to do it, and then, on his treating me with scorn, renewed without dignity my fond solicitation.

Inside of the box were chocolates and bonbons and some candied fruit. "Hold the box, Sam," said Tom, whipping out his knife. "We've got to move mighty quick!" On the instant he was at work with his pocket-knife, cutting the floor wax into various shapes to resemble candy. He took out some of the candied fruit and substituted the wax. Then he felt in his pocket.

Detroit Jim took from his pocket a huge pocket-knife and with the longest blade poked up between the main stone and the one adjoining. The blade met resistance. Ultimately, and abruptly, however, the blade shot through to the hilt of the knife. Jim drew it back instantly. No light came through the crevice. "I smell good air," he whispered, "but I can't see a thing. It must be night!"