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No explanation of the disavowal was given; but the instructions sent were read to Pinkney by Canning, and a letter followed saying that Erskine's action had been in direct contradiction to them.

Wheaton's Life of William Pinkney, and Professor Parsons' interesting Memoir of his distinguished father, Chief Justice Parsons. Mr. Binney, at the close of his honored and honorable life, is paying the debt, which every man owes to his profession, in animated spirit-stirring sketches of his great and good contemporaries.

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States: I communicate to Congress certain letters which passed between the British secretary of state, Mr. Canning, and Mr. Pinkney, our minister plenipotentiary at London. When the documents concerning the relations between the United States and Great Britain were laid before Congress at the commencement of the session, the answer of Mr.

The poor Cornet, however, pitiously proceeded, as well as a man could do with such a twinging belly ach, and said, "That he really was very sorry for it; but as it could not be helped now, he trusted that we would proceed under the command of Serjeant-major Pinkney, and he was quite sure that we should conduct ourselves in a manner that would do credit to the troop.

American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 104. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 158. Jonathan Russell to the Secretary of State, Nov. 15, 1811. U.S. State Department MSS. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. pp. 154, 160. Ibid., p. 166. The British Commissioners to Monroe and Pinkney, Nov. 8, 1806. Ibid., p. 140.

What difference is there, in spirit, between them and the child's prayer for his feather? Is there anything great or small in the eye of Omniscience? Or is it not our thinking only that makes it so? SOON after I was seven years old, I went to what was then, and is still, one of the most favoured of preparatory schools Temple Grove at East Sheen, then kept by Dr. Pinkney.

Mary repressed an inclination to smile. "Certainly, Mr. Maginnis. Good-bye. I've enjoyed it a great, great deal." And to Pinkney Hare she added: "You are going over the yacht with us, of course?" Mrs. Marne embarked in a shower of farewells. Peter, however, loitered at the head of the stairs, and the gig waited at the foot of them.

The men of genius that I fancy most have erectile heads like the cobra-di-capello. You remember what they tell of William Pinkney, the great pleader; how in his eloquent paroxysms the veins of his neck would swell and his face flush and his eyes glitter, until he seemed on the verge of apoplexy.

"Gentlemen," said the bar-keeper, "call for what you like: the Mansion House treats to-day in honor of its being the first time that Rand Pinkney has been admitted to the bar." It was agreed, that, as her condition was still precarious, the news should be broken to her gradually and indirectly. The indefatigable Sol had a professional idea, which was not displeasing to the Twins.

The only power he retained over the subject was that of directing the details of the contemplated massacre. Why is that graceful female here With yon red hunter of the deer? Of gentle mien and shape, she seems For civil halls design'd; Yet with the stately savage walks, As she were of his kind. Pinkney. The family at Castle Meal saw nothing of any Indian until the day that succeeded the council.