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No literary quality can be attained by reading writers who possess it: be it, for example, persuasiveness, imagination, the gift of drawing comparisons, boldness or bitterness, brevity or grace, facility of expression or wit, unexpected contrasts, a laconic manner, na�vet�, and the like.

And with reason, for he so supported with rhetorical persuasiveness his original, wide-awake treatment of the Laws and Canons, and so embellished his points both with figures and flowers of speech and with pithy ideas, and so applied the sayings of philosophers and authors, which he inserted in fitting places with marvellous cleverness, that the more learned and erudite the congregation, the more eagerly and attentively did they apply ears and minds to listening and memorizing.

This was Burke's opinion of the only contemporary who can be said to rival him in fervid and sustained eloquence, to surpass him in grace and persuasiveness of style.

At particular times and places moral questions may enter into some of these questions, but ordinarily we come to them to settle questions of practical advantage. In arguments on all such questions, therefore, the direct appeal to the practical interests of the people you are addressing is the chief factor that makes for persuasiveness.

He rose to force and power, though his voice was never loud, rather concentrated, resonant. It dropped suddenly to a tone of persuasiveness and conciliation, and declaring that the bill would be merely vicious where it meant to be virtuous, ended with the question: "Shall we burn the house to roast the pig?" "That sounds American," said the member for Burton-Halsey, "but he hasn't an accent.

He had preserved much of the persuasiveness of a priest, his language stirred and softened at one and the same time. But now every word that he uttered was sincere. Jane remained excessively sad. Sanselme had saved several thousand francs. What should he do with Jane? He had left Lyons, hoping that a change of scene would go far toward restoring cheerfulness to Jane. Vain hope.

And we've got plenty of cattle to eat it. We don't need any help to keep the grass down so we can ride through it." "Now, look here," began the lank man with that sort of persuasiveness which can turn instantly into bluster, "all this is pure foolishness, you know. We're here to stay. We've bought this place, and some other land to go with it, and we expect to stay right here and make a living.

Higli Pasha laughed low it was like the gurgle of water in the narghileh a voice of good nature and persuasiveness from a heart that knew no virtue. "Bismillah! Who shall read the meaning of it? Why has he not already killed?" "Nahoum would choose his own time after he has saved his life by the white carrion. Kaid will give him his life if the Inglesi asks. The Inglesi, he is mad.

It is all that is most convenient." Audrey was startled and suspicious, but she could not deny the persuasiveness of the invitation. "Ah! Madame!" she said. "I know not at what hour we go. But even if it should be in the afternoon there is the packing you know in a word...." "Listen," Madame Piriac proceeded, bending even more intimately towards her. "Be very, very kind. Come to see me to-night.

Would I meet him and talk it over, and if I was favorably impressed accompany him to the Kentucky mountains? We were sitting by a Fifth Avenue window as he outlined the matter with persuasiveness. The sky was drear with the ash gray of autumn. 'Busses, motors and taxis were trailing along in the same old hopeless monotony. At the thought of remaining here I sickened.