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"I have nothing to tell you, child." His voice was hoarse. "You are overwrought and overstrung. I have nothing to say to you but just good-bye." She held his coat and looked up at him wildly. " Denzil It was you not John!" He unclasped her clinging arms: "I must go." "You shall not until you answer me I have a right to know."

She read with great deliberation, a second and then a third time, a hymn to love, boyishly crude, but charged to the full with youth and longing; no better and no worse, perhaps, than the average effusion of twenty-six in love, not with woman but with love; authentic, and for that reason sacred; overwrought, as became the heedless passion which inspired it; self-revealing, but of sex and temper rather than of mind.

And as the unhappy creature uttered the last words she threw up her hands with a gesture of despair and burst into a passion of hysterical weeping which I made no effort to check, hoping that thus she might gain relief to her overwrought feelings.

"Sometimes to the satiated female mind, overwrought with social dissipation, there comes a strange longing for peace! for the scent of roses! for the yellow shine of cowslips! for the song of the mating birds! for the breath of cows!" Mr. Marius Longford smiled, and picked a tall buttercup nodding in the grass at his feet.

I love my life, I love papa, I love your mother and you, and it seems to me as if I were going to be a very happy woman; but still, if you carry any regret for that day in your heart, I wish I had died when I was so sick before you came: I wish I lay up there on the hill with the grass growing over me." What was anybody to do with this overwrought, fanciful child?

'Now, dear Uncle, I have written all this commonplace talk, not regarding its dulness in your eyes, but because I felt weary and also somewhat overwrought and sad; and it has done me much good, and given me a happy hour. 'We had our service on board this morning, and the Holy Eucharist afterwards; Mr. Kerr, two Norfolk Islanders, a Maori, and a Nengone man present. I ought not to be faint-hearted.

He could not understand, as so many cannot, that such natures when aroused are tenfold more intense than those whom little things excite. A long and peculiar train of circumstances, a morbid and overwrought physical condition, led to this outburst from Christine, which was as much a cause of surprise to herself afterward as to her father.

"You are not afraid to be left?" he said. "You are sure?" "I am afraid of nothing if I know you safe," she answered faintly. "Go! go quickly, and God be with you!" "Tut! I run no danger," he rejoined. "I have a strong arm and they will leave me alone." He thought that she was overwrought, that the strain was telling on her; his thoughts did not go beyond that.

He 'd stop, an' he'd look at the book, an' then he'd look at Sonny, an' then he'd look at the class, an' then he'd turn a page, like ez ef he couldn't make up his mind, an' was afeerd to resk it, less'n it might be missed, an' be referred back to the class. I never did see a man so overwrought over a little thing in my life never.

"I can't tell you anything now," she said rather breathlessly. "I did try a little while ago, and you wouldn't listen. You you must give me a few days you must! If you don't, I'll say 'no' now at once!" her voice rising excitedly. She was overwrought, strung up to such a pitch that she hardly knew what she was saying. She had been through a good deal in the last hour or two and Trenby realised it.