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"The next call I paid at Bellevue Cottage was to announce my engagement, and I had some doubt of the reception my news might meet with. But I had no kinder or more loving congratulations than those of the two sisters. Small allusion was made to bygones. But when Miss Martha murmured in my ear "'You'll forgive my little fussiness and over-anxiety, dear Mary.

Orme: "You will, I am sure, pardon my seeming over-anxiety for your safety, and the safety of Poritol's treasure, but I cannot resist using my influence to see that you are well-protected to-night by what you in America call 'a plain-clothes man. I trust that he will frighten away the Yellow Peril and permit you to slumber undisturbed.

1881 or 1882. Speaking of a given habitual action Mr. And yet in 1839, or thereabouts, Mr. What is the secret of the long departure from the simple common- sense view of the matter which he took when he was a young man? I imagine simply what I have referred to in the preceding chapter, over-anxiety to appear to be differing from his grandfather, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck.

Breynton's over-anxietyfussiness, some people would have called ithis children were perfectly conscious of; children are apt to be the first to discover their parents' faults and weaknesses. Gypsy loved her father dearly, but she somehow always felt as if he must be managed. So it came about that on a certain royal June day, a merry party started for a horseback ride up Rattlesnake mountain.

They could not have known of Al Woodruff's intentions towards Lorraine, else they would have kept themselves in the background and would not have risked the failure of their own plan. On the other hand, Al must have been wholly ignorant of Warfield's scheme to try and prove Lorraine crazy. It looked to Swan very much like a muddling of the Sawtooth affairs through over-anxiety to avoid trouble.

In the exultation of victory he extended his line too much towards the right; and this over-anxiety to open the communication with Quasdonowich had the effect of so weakening his centre, that Massena, boldly and skilfully seizing the opportunity, poured two strong columns on Lonato, and regained the position; whereon the Austrian, perceiving that his army was cut in two, was thrown into utter confusion.

The young clergyman's absence at the time of her greatest need had caused her both wonder and pain. His letter but increased both sentiments without explaining the cause. It increased, too, her love for him, for whenever over-anxiety is aroused for one dear to us, our love is augmented.

"A boy who is visiting us is so beset with rules and 'nagged' even by glances and nudges, that I wonder that he is not bewildered and rebellious. "Perhaps these were company ways inspired by an over-anxiety on his mother's part that he should appear well.

Overworking one's bodily strength, which grows out of a wrong ambition, and is trusting one's own efforts more than God's power, and which always involves disobedience of His law for the body. Over-anxiety which robs the mind of its freshness, and the spirit of its sweetness, and whose roots are the same as overwork. The hot hasty word. The uncontrolled temper.

Still there was on that Home Rule night, a pallor that had the deadlier hue of sleeplessness, worry, over-anxiety the hideous burden of a great, weighty, and complex speech to deliver. On April 6th all this was gone.