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And how? There were so many ways of turning one's back on life! And as she walked along she reviewed them all in her mind.

Next to her own child, there is not any body living she values so much as you: Yet it is Why should we embroil ourselves, Nancy, with the affairs of other people? Other people! How I hate the poor words, where friendship is concerned, and where the protection to be given may be of so much consequence to a friend, and of so little detriment to one's self? I am delighted with your spirit, however.

He is now just coming of age, and that is why she leaves. Lilian Ashleigh will have, however, a very good fortune, is what we genteel paupers call an heiress. Is there anything more you want to know?" Said thin Miss Brabazon, who took advantage of her thinness to wedge herself into every one's affairs, "A most interesting account. What a nice place Abbots' House could be made with a little taste!

You can have the promiscuous loves of all the women you meet, or you can have the absolute devotion of one; but I don't see how you can have the two." My heart beat, and the blood seemed going up to my head, confusing my reason. I felt angry because I knew she was right. "Well, really it seems that the first might be better if one's life is to be so limited." Viola did not answer at all.

Then must do justice to one's enemies the Russians let themselves be killed like Frenchmen; they wouldn't give way; we couldn't advance. 'Forward! some one cried, 'here comes the Emperor! True enough; he passed at a gallop, waving his hand to let us know we must take the redoubt. He inspired us; on we ran; I was the first in the ravine.

The dawn hours had been chilly, and evidently I had grappled the fern leaves to me in my sleep, as one tugs a blanket over one's shoulder, without waking, when cold.

A great intellect can comprehend these criminals, and account for the crime. It is a mighty thing to feel in one's self that one is an army, more than an army! What thousands and millions of men, with trumpet and banner, and under the sanction of glory, strive to do, destroy a foe, that, with little more than an effort of the will, with a drop, a grain, for all his arsenal, one man can do!"

No true sailor is afraid of being killed; but the thought that one might be all one's life a slave among the cruel heathen was enough to take the stiffness out of any man's courage." "But how was it that you were taken without an engagement, Captain Dave? And how did you make your escape?"

Most persistent of all the singers of the grove beside the house was the yellow warbler, a dainty bit of featherhood the size of one's thumb.

To break the word that had gone forth out of one's mouth was to lose self-respect, and all claim to the respect of others, and to sin against eternal rectitude. As we have said before, it is almost impossible to make our light-minded times comprehend the earnestness with which those people lived.