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Certain it was that she had a secret, but what it was Redburn could not guess. About ten o'clock he and Nix re-entered the cabin and went to bed in a room allotted to them, off from the little parlor. Both went to sleep at once, and it was well along toward morning when Redburn was aroused by being rudely shaken by "General" Nix, who was up and dressed, and held a torch in his hand.

I allow ther's folks guesses dollars talks. Wal, I'm guessin' they just holler. Make the wad big enough and ther' ain't nuthin' you can't buy from a wheat binder to a royal princess with a crown o' jools. The only thing you're li'ble to have trouble over is the things Natur' fancies handin' you fer nix. That an' hoss sense.

"'As owner, I insist that you allow Alcyfras to win this race, he says, 'n' goes away in a pet when I tells him nix. "The day of the race I don't see Elsy at all. "'You ain't got a ticket to-day, 'n' you know the answer, I says to Lou Smith as the parade starts. He don't say nothin' but nods, so I think he's fixed. "When I come through the bettin' ring I can't believe my eyes.

"Dey just butted in," said Master Maloney, resuming his narrative. "I was sittin' here, readin' me book, when de foist of de guys blows in. 'Boy, says he, 'is de editor in? 'Nope, I says. 'I'll go in and wait, says he. 'Nuttin' doin', says I. 'Nix on de goin'-in act. I might as well have saved me breat! In he butts. In about t'ree minutes along comes another gazebo.

You are godly and cleanly men; yet, when you saw in me a gem of purest ray serene, did you appeal to my better nature? Nary! In a wild and topsy-turvy world, did you implore me to devote my splendid and unwasted energies in the service of Good, with a capital G? Nix! You appealed to ambition, egotism, and greed.... Fie! A fie upon each of you!" "Don't do that! Have mercy!

Istra ought not to drink so many cordials, nix on the booze you learn when you try to keep in shape for flying, though Tad Warren doesn't seem to learn it. After ten we went to studio where Istra is staying on Washington Sq. several of her friends there and usual excitement and fool questions about being an aviator, it always makes me feel like a boob.

Then Eve answered, "Ah, Lord, forgive me, I was too quick in speaking to thee. Have thy divine will with my children." 181 The Nix of the Mill-Pond There was once upon a time a miller who lived with his wife in great contentment. They had money and land, and their prosperity increased year by year more and more.

"I'm sure we don't want any horrid revolution here, with people shooting and stabbing each other." "Revolution?" cried Mr. Scobell. "Revolution! Well, I should say nix! Revolution nothing. I'm the man with the big stick in Mervo. Pretty near every adult on this island is dependent on my Casino for his weekly envelope, and what I say goes without argument.

A certain lake in Germany was once the home of a Nix, who became tired of the monotony of life under water, and wished to go into the upper world and amuse himself. His friends and relations all tried to dissuade him. "Be wise," said they, "and remain where you are safe, seeing that no business summons you from the lake.

"Oh, no use getting all het up," rejoined Cranky Joe. "We ain't a-going to fight 'less we has to. Better pay up." "Send yore bills to the ranch if they're O. K., Buck'll pay 'em." "Nix; I take it when I can get it." "I ain't got no money with me that I can spare." "Then you can leave enough cows to buy back again."