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During the night of the 19th Meyer's force crossed the Buffalo River at Landman's Drift, ten miles east of Dundee, at 2.30 A.M. drove in the British pickets in that direction, and at daybreak was seen dotting the hill-ridges, about three miles east of the camp.

When they had been subjected to his influence only for a few days they went back to the place they came from, or found other masters, who, now that Meyer's business was failing, were getting more orders. People who went to the warehouse said that Meyer was raging about upstairs, abusing innocent people and driving them away from him.

She was a veritable chatter-box, her great topic of conversation being her son Meyer, upon whom she doted, and his American-born wife, whose name she scarcely ever uttered without a malediction. She told me how she, Meyer's mother, her sister, and a niece had turned out their pockets and pawned their jewelry to help Meyer start in business as a clothing-manufacturer

Thus in the upper corner of the drawing for Meyer's head the artist has noted "eyebrows lighter than the hair" in his microscopic yet firm writing. With these fine portraits, painted as if united by the same architectural background, Holbein began a friendship of many years.

"And with a look so piteous in purport, As if he had been loosed out of hell To speak of horrors." Fire! that epitome of all that is appalling at sea, the danger each one instinctively dreads, but no one mentions. One ran one way and one another. I ran to Captain Meyer's room on the upper deck and roused him.

It is bad faith with der underwriters. It annuls der insurance. You admit this, Mr. Thompson, do you not?" "That is law," said the attorney, coldly. "Was Mr. Austen a part owner, also?" asked Rowland, ignoring Mr. Meyer's view of the case. "One share, is it not, Mr. Austen?" asked Mr. Meyer, while he rubbed his hands and smiled. Mr.

There are no new books worth sending you, or they would accompany this; but I would recommend you to get Meyer's new volume from Treuettel and Wurtz, and continue to make notes as you read it. Give my compliments to the Marquess, and believe me, "Your affectionate father,

Meyer's name in the window, received the two men, one of whom, in the interests of good business, was soon to be impoverished. They had not waited a minute before Captain Bryce and Mr. Austen were announced and ushered in. Sleek, well-fed, and gentlemanly in manner, perfect types of the British naval officer, they bowed politely to Mr. Selfridge when Mr.

In the strict sense of the word, Madame Fontaine might be termed an acquaintance, but certainly not a friend, of mine. For once, I took the prudent course, and said, No. Frau Meyer's expansive bosom emitted a hearty sigh of relief. "Ah!" she said, "now I can talk freely in Fritz's interest, mind. You are a young man like himself, he will be disposed to listen to you.

"If you will stand here beside me you will see the gap in the railing caused by the breaking away of the fragment which now lies on Mr. Meyer's desk. Some few yards to the left in the street below is where the assault took place, of which we have heard, and the unfortunate Mr.