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So when folks are disposed to ill-treat you, young man, say 'Lord, have mercy upon me! and then tip them Long Melford, to which, as the saying goes, there is nothing comparable for shortness all the world over."

Then, once more, very slowly and tenderly, the priest repeated it; down to Mercy, Sweet Jesus, Mercy! My own eyes were all dim with tears, and as fast as I brushed them away, they came again. When at last I could see plainly once more, the priest was holding up a little crucifix before the King's eyes; and he made him a short address, very Christian and forcible.

With regard to this, one man said that during our absence he had endured many inward struggles on account of not having made his confession to Ours; but that, after he had done so, he had, through the mercy of God, overcome them all.

Let this be done, and the profession of table-master is ruined. Snorter and Pogson may almost as well order their own dinners, as be at the mercy of a "gastronomic agent" whose faith is not beyond all question.

If you would find mercy in the hour of your own death, confess your sin, whatever it may be, and you shall be forgiven." Still she stood silent and almost motionless, but her teeth gnawed at her white lips as if to bite them through. "You will have no better time than the present," said the Rector. "If there is anything that you feel should be confessed, confess it now.

"You chose an evil hour," replied Constantine, for it was he who had found her lying on the pavement and who had thought it only an act of mercy not to trust so young and fair a girl to the protection of his followers. "You may thank God that you have got off so cheaply. Now, I must return to my men. You know where the Bishop lives? Yes, here.

But Juno tumbled off her chair, and rolled away with the baby, till papa picked them both up." "It was a mercy that poor Albert was not killed," observed Mrs. Seagrave. "And so he might have been, if Juno had not thought only of him and nothing at all about herself," replied Mr. Seagrave. "That's very true, sir," replied Captain Osborn. "She saved the child, and, I fear, hurt herself."

Is this truth and mercy? or is it swindling and cruelty? Is it the part of the Redeemer, or that of the tyrant, deceiver, and tormentor?" Up to that moment, my wife had sate breathless and motionless, listening, in the catalepsy of nightmare, to a sort of echo of the vile and impious reasoning which had haunted her for so long.

"O man of power, O great and mighty bogatir, have mercy upon me. Do not kill me. Leave me my soul to repent with." Sunrise laughed, and dragged the little fellow out into the yard, whirled him round at the end of his beard, and brought him to a great oak trunk that lay on the ground.

They looked pitifully at us as they passed us, wondering what it was all about, and so did we. We expected every minute it would be over; surely they had been punished enough. But the cruel race went on. In an hour they were begging for mercy, whimpering pitifully, as they gasped out the only German word they knew "Kamerad Kamerad" to the N.C.O., who drove them on.