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"How did you discover that?" he asked. "Dr. McLane and I took the handkerchief to a laboratory and the chemist found from the number of particles of capsules in the handkerchief, that at least two capsules or double the usual dose had been crushed by Turnbull and the fumes inhaled by him; with fatal results." "Hold on," cautioned Kent.

Robert M. McLane was dispatched to Mexico, March 8, 1859, "with discretionary authority to recognize the government of President Juarez, if on his arrival in Mexico he should find it entitled to such recognition according to the established practice of the United States." On the 7th of April, Mr.

Meantime, a steady stream of Whigs flooded into the city, and from Captain McLane, who twice dropped in to make sure of their well-being, they learned that the Continental Congress was about to resume its sessions in the city.

For you and papa, to restore your faith in each other, I married our stranger creditor, forcing him to the altar rather than he me; and he has already proved himself of more delicacy than you, if I am to believe you are in your right mind. No, I am no McLane." "You are not, if you do not use their Scotch-Irish perseverance to get the better of Meshach Milburn.

When your preliminary interposition was asked at the close of the last session, a copy of the instructions under which Mr. McLane has acted, together with the communications which had at that time passed between him and the British Government, was laid before you.

"The best white blood of the South flows through the veins of Negroes, and this reveals the unmistakable weakness of a superior race." * "The weakness of the men of a superior race! Be careful and make that distinction, Marjorie," said Mrs. Bruce. "Southern white women are the most virtuous women in the world." "That's the general boast," returned Mrs. McLane.

A halt at the pickets, and we rode on around the right flank among rude huts, rare tents, rows of spancelled horses, we call it "hobbled" nowadays, and so at last to a group of tents, the headquarters of the small cavalry division. "Halt!" I heard; and I literally almost tumbled off my horse, pleased to see the last of him. "This way, sir," said McLane. "Here is my tent.

He bounded up the steps and took her in his arms. "Mother! Dear old Mother!" In the silence, almost painful, which followed, an angry woman's voice could be heard inside: "I don't care. I am't goin' to wear myself out fer him. He c'n eat out here with us, or else-" Mrs. McLane began speaking. "Oh, I've longed to see yeh, Howard. I was afraid you wouldn't come till-too late."

I believe there is such a thing as honor yet. Mother, you fret my father by such principles." "They are the principles of your uncle, Allan McLane." "A man I shrink from," Vesta said, "although he is your brother.

And a wise married friend had told her that the only way to manage a husband was to give him his head and never to indulge in the luxury of reproaches. She was sorry she had forgotten herself tonight. Dr. Talbot had confided to Mrs. McLane that his wife was inclined to be a bas bleu and he wanted her broken of an unfeminine love of books. Mrs. She kept her word.