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The neighborhood may say what it pleases; you're a gentleman, sir, in the best sense of the word. Now," pursued the lawyer, dropping Allan's hand, and lapsing back instantly from sentiment to business, "just hear what I have got to say in my own defense. Suppose Miss Gwilt's real position happens to be nothing like what you are generously determined to believe it to be?"

Throughout this long scene the tender stream of melody flows on, never lapsing into anything approaching prettiness or feebleness, flooding us with an overwhelming sense of a far-away past, while full utterance is found for Eva's anxiety, then her despair, and her wish, timidly spoken, to give herself to Sachs rather than to be won by Beckmesser.

Madame Sennier spoke of the terrific wall of rock from which, in the days before the French occupation, faithless wives were sometimes hurled to death by their Arab husbands. "C'est affreux!" she exclaimed, lapsing into French. She put up her hand to her veil, and pulled it tightly under her prominent chin with twisting fingers. "Les Arabes sont des monstres."

There's rest when angry storms are o'er, And fear no longer vigil keeps; When winds are heard to rave no more, And ocean's troubled spirit sleeps; There's rest when to the pebbly strand, The lapsing billows slowly glide; And, pillow'd on the golden sand, Breathes soft and low the slumbering tide.

Sigurd seemed satisfied, and lapsing into the calm, composed manner which had distinguished him all day, he led the way as before, and they resumed their march, this time in silence, for conversation was well-nigh impossible.

Nora was a tall, rather pale, but well-built girl, with beautiful yellow hair. She was rather secretive. 'Hey! said Annie, accosting her; then softly, 'Who's John Thomas on with now? 'I don't know, said Nora. 'Why tha does, said Annie, ironically lapsing into dialect. 'Tha knows as well as I do. 'Well, I do, then, said Nora. 'It isn't me, so don't bother. 'It's Cissy Meakin, isn't it?

And he particularly studied how the father's virtues had deflected and become transformed into vices in the son the most noble qualities being perverted, heroic and disinterested energy lapsing into a ferocious appetite for possession, the man of battle leading to the man of booty, since the great gusts of enthusiasm no longer swept by, since men no longer fought, since they remained there resting, pillaging, and devouring amidst the heaped-up spoils.

But it is rather tiresome to us privately, for it keeps Hollingford in town or between it and Cambridge and each place as dull and empty as can be, just when we want him down at the Towers. The thing ought to have been decided long ago, and there's some danger of the legacy lapsing.

This comes of 'training in the use of the weapons of precision of science. Mr. However, Mr. Huxley really finds it safer to suppose that references to ancestor-worship in the Bible were obliterated by late monotheistic editors, who, none the less, are so full and minute in their descriptions of the various heresies into which Israel was eternally lapsing, and must not be allowed to lapse again.

What's bred i' the bone will come out i' the flesh. Afore thee makest friends with young Joe Mountain, Master Richard, thee ax thy feyther. Master Richard, lapsing into silence, thought things over. 'Ichabod, he said at last, 'is a boy bound to be bad if he has a bad grandfather?