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But let us come as near to it as we can. The tune "Pisgah" has been standing long enough on "Jordan's stormy banks." Let it pass over and get out of the wet weather. Good-bye, "Antioch," "Harwell" and "Boylston." Good-bye till we meet in glory. But if the prescription of new tunes does not end congregational singing, I have another suggestion.

The man who was ever Kubbeling's fellow, going with him to the Levant now, as, erewhile to the far North, was Uhlwurm, who, albeit he had been old Jordan's serving-man, was held by Seyfried as his equal; and whoso would make one his guest must be fain to take the other into the bargain.

"Yes, never mind her; there are other people very talkative in this town besides your wife. Deacon Abraham's house is half a mile out of your way home from Mr. Jordan's. How did you get there?" "Dat's what I'm a-gwine ter explain, sar." "I am glad of that. And how do you propose to do it?" "Well, I'se thinkin', sar, I must ha' digressed." I take it we digressed a little.

Fishing is by hand line and trawl. Ben's Ground. Lies ESE from Petit Manan 4 or 5 miles. The marks are Petit Manan Light to northward of Middle Hill of Mount Desert and Humpback Mountain on the west side of Trafton's Island or Pond Island Light to the eastward of Jordan's Delight. The ground is circular in shape, about 3/4 mile across, having 14 to 30 fathoms of water.

For five-and-twenty years he had lived in lodgings; always within the narrow range of Islington respectability, yet never for more than a twelvemonth under the same roof. This peculiar feature of Mr. Jordan's life had made him a subject of continual interest to local landladies, among whom were several lifelong residents, on friendly terms of old time with the Jordan family.

Many songs we hear our fellow-creatures singing in the streets will not do to sing by-and-by; I guess they will sing a different kind of tune soon. They can sing nowadays any rollicking, drinking songs; but they will not sing them when they come to die; they are not exactly the songs with which to cross Jordan's billows.

"Thank you, Durville! Be quick -and stealthy! Let me guide you." Class President Douglass stood in the shadow. He heard Jordan's own tongue telling the stranger the familiar story of how he, Jordan, had been reported for indolence in the bridge construction work. "I had to get square," Jordan was continuing, just as Dick piloted Durville within hearing.

"Salvation's kyar is movin'." Still, above all, Jordan's voice could be distinguished as a fine musical instrument, and whether breaking through the tune in a volley of exhortations, or rising superior to it all in a rich tenor his words thrown in snatches, or drawn out to suit his purpose never once did it mar the wonderful harmony of the whole. It was a scene one could not easily forget.

"On Pisgah's top" and his face fairly shone as he repeated it "on Pisgah's top. At first I lived down in the valley among Ezekiel's dry bones, and used to help the multitudes sing "'Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er: Not Jordan's stream nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. "But I moved on and up to my present residence, and now I sing

He was quite out of breath when he presented himself at the front door, and his first words to Alix were: "While I'm getting my breath, Alix, you might prepare yourself for a shock." Early the next morning, the telephone in township assessor Jordan's house rang. Annie Jordan was "setting" the breakfast table.