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If I were an infidel, I should believe that some spiteful imp of the perverse had the guidance of the affairs of humanity. I know better than that: but for my knowledge I have to thank Revelation. 'If the separation were final, says Mr. Buckle, in a most eloquent and pathetic passage, 'how could we stand up and live? Fine feeling, indeed, but impotent logic.

He did it on purpose, and then he began to roll over, thinking this, surely, would get that man off his back. It did. But when Imp tried to roll over on the foreman, to hurt him, Jim Mason just laughed and jumped out of the way. He knew Imp would probably do this and he was ready for him.

Leaving Peveril in the Tower, we must once more convey our readers to the Levee of the Duke, who, on the morning of Julian's transference to that fortress, thus addressed his minister-in-chief, and principal attendant: "I have been so pleased with your conduct in this matter, Jerningham, that if Old Nick were to arise in our presence, and offer me his best imp as a familiar in thy room, I would hold it but a poor compliment."

Henniker?" said I. "Oh," she replied, "I began writing verses very early in my life, and the most amusing part of it is that, though I was a perfect little imp, I began with writing hymns. In fact," said she, as she showed me a letter which her father had written to a friend when she was seven years of age, "my father had to check my early attempts in that direction."

They overtook him as he topped the hill, one on each side, and, leaning over, Carew snatched the bridle from his hand. "Thou little imp!" he panted, as he turned the roan around and started down the hill. "Don't try this on again!" "Oh, Master Carew," gasped Nick, "what are ye going to do wi' me?"

It was considered unlucky to throw any dog or animal overboard; but the strange stories told about the way in which Snarleyyow first made his appearance in the vessel, added to the peculiarly diabolical temper of the animal, had often been the theme of midnight conversation, and many of them were convinced that it was an imp of Satan lent to Vanslyperken, and that to injure or to attempt to destroy it would infallibly be followed up with terrible consequences to the party, if not to the vessel and all the crew.

Sometimes a kaleidoscope series of pictures would go jumbling through his brain, as though some imp were unrolling the scroll of his brain backward, forward, and sidewise; a whirling cloud of sand, a driving sheet of visible bullets; a hose-pipe that shot streams of melted steel; a forest of smokestacks; the flash of trailing phosphorescent foam; a clear sky, full of stars the mountains clear and radiant through sunlit vapours; camp-fires shooting flames into the darkness, and men and guns moving past them.

"Where be you going, you imp of the world?" cried the dame. "Get in with you, and say no more on the matter; be a bob-cull, drop the bullies, and you shall have the blunt!" But Paul heeded not this invitation. "I will eat the bread of idleness and charity no longer," said he, sullenly. "Good-by; and if ever I can pay you what I have cost you, I will."

"I 'specks it was my new knife it was so nice an sharp, you know." "Well, it's all right now, my Imp," I said, fumbling for a match in a singularly clumsy manner. "If you ask me, I think we are all better friends than ever or should be. I know I should be fonder of your Auntie Lisbeth even than before, and take greater care of her, if I were you.

When the first Portfolio was opened the coin of the realm bore for its legend, or might have borne if the more devout hero-worshippers could have had their way, Andreas Jackson, Populi Gratia, Imp. Caesar. Aug. Div., Max., etc., etc.