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'Not of wars, not of tears, but of Pan would he chant, and of the neatherds he sweetly sang, and singing he shepherded his flocks. This was the training that Sicily, her hills, her seas, her lovers, her poet-shepherds, gave to Theocritus. Sicily showed him subjects which he imitated in truthful art.

These great artists, so dissimilar in the outward aspects of their creations, agree in considering that the only way of advancement open to the aspirant is the attempt to form himself on the example of others, by imitating them not slavishly or mechanically, but in the same spirit in which they imitated their forerunners: even as the Christian is bound to seek union with Christ in the same spirit or way in which Jesus had achieved union with his Father that is, by laying down life to take it again, in meekness and lowliness of heart.

"Exactly; it was the ladder upon which my assistants stood to direct the magic-lantern." "The apparition," continued the prince, "had really a superficial likeness to my deceased friend, and what was particularly striking, his hair, which was of a very light color, was exactly imitated. Was this mere chance, or how did you come by such a resemblance?"

At the bottom of the shaft is frequently found a decoration imitated from the sheath of leaves from which the plant springs. This decoration was originally painted only, not sculptured, but at a later period we find these sheaths and buds worked in stone. In one part of the temple at Karnak is found a very curious capital resembling the open lotus flower inverted.

"He goes in for the slight mystification because the ladies are such popular favourites. A great deal of interest is felt in his acting on that idea which IS clever, isn't it? and there's every prospect of its being widely imitated." Our host at this moment joined us again, and Mr.

Guert stopped short in the street, looked me full in the face with an expression of truth that could not well be feigned, squeezed my hand fervently, and rejoined with a strange frankness, that I could not have imitated, to be master of all I saw "Admiration, Mr. Littlepage, is not a word strong enough for what I feel for Mary!

The girl turned her head with a gesture in which the carelessness of his own manner was imitated. She stole a rapid look at him as she answered, "What does it matter whether I call you by one name or another?" "What does anything matter? I believe Mr. Toots was an unconscious philosopher. There is nothing in the world of any consequence, except money.

Also young Sim came in and went to bed on his pallet in the corner. But to all these domesticities the three maintained an absolute dumbness. They bowed and smiled and ignored and imitated until a late hour, and if they had been the occupants of the most gorgeous salon in the world they could not have been more like three monkeys.

Earthen pots showed cracks or broke from no apparent cause. At night, the rats and mice ate away the hair and nails of slumbering men. Sarikas chirped, sitting within the houses of the Vrishnis. The noise made by those birds ceased not for even a short while by day or by night. The Sarashas were heard to imitate the hooting of the owl, and goats imitated the cries, O Bharata, of jackals.

He stripped off his clothing and leaped and gambolled about, running on all fours, climbing trees; in short, doing physical stunts, and all the time soaking in the sunshine. He imitated the animals. He built a nest of dry leaves and grasses in which to sleep at night, covering it over with bark as a protection against the early fall rains.