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Of course, I put it too strongly, for there is often, illogically, a great deal of love between the American women and their domestics, though why there should be any at all I cannot explain, except by reference to that mysterious personal equation which modifies all conditions here.

You have already demonstrated and verified your principles; therefore, either you have made an error in your observation or you have reasoned illogically in drawing your conclusions. Find out which it is and correct your analyses then verify them. This is a practice which, if you are at all interested in human nature, you will find intensely fascinating.

It was more than ten years before he saw Captain Chunn again. Part 2 As an urchin Jeff had taken things as they came without understanding causes. Thoughts had come to him in flashes, without any orderly sequence, often illogically. As a gangling boy he still took for granted the hard knocks of a world he did not attempt to synthesize. Even his mother looked upon him as "queer."

Then, swiftly, illogically, he disliked the brother of this lady more than ever. "All that is talking in the air," he said, with abrupt decision. "I see nothing in it. You shall have your vendor's shares, precisely as I promised you. I don't see how you can possibly ask for anything more." He looked at the other's darkling face for a moment, and then rose with unwieldy deliberation.

Anyone can see it. She sees it. Haven't you sense enough to hide it from her? How do you expect to win?" "My dear Mrs. my dear Edith, you amaze me. I'm confusion itself. But," he went on eagerly, illogically, "do you think I could win her?" "That is not for one's wife to say," she said demurely. "I'd be tremendously proud of you as a sister-in-law. And I'd be much obliged if you'd help me.

"Why must such a girl cross my path just as I was getting on my feet with Alice?" he asked himself, manlike illogically impatient with Aileen when he should have lost patience with himself.

But Concho's head ached, and his back ached, and he was so generally distressed that he bethought him of a medico, an American doctor, lately come into the town, who had once treated Concho and his mule with apparently the same medicine, and after the same heroic fashion. Concho reasoned, not illogically, that if he were to be physicked at all he ought to get the worth of his money.

The Negro colleges, hurriedly founded, were inadequately equipped, illogically distributed, and of varying efficiency and grade; the normal and high schools were doing little more than common-school work, and the common schools were training but a third of the children who ought to be in them, and training these too often poorly.

"It isn't a good precedent." "Well, I'm your husband," muttered Francis quite illogically. "Oh, this has gone far enough," said Marjorie with determination. And she went back to the kitchen. "I'll leave you here, if that's the case," said Francis in a friendly enough way. "I have to go over to the other cabin and see how things are and then out to where some work is going on.

Ridiculous, she thought, at the same time illogically rehearsing the resemblances of Vigne to her grandmother. She had no doubt that the parties Vigne shared on the terraces and wide lawns, in the informal dancing at country houses, were sufficiently sophisticated; there was on occasion champagne, and for the masculine element anyhow cocktails.