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The bust, including the head-dress, measures certainly as much as eight feet. On the walls and in the niches, there are a number of giant statues and figures; in fact, whole scenes of the Hindoo mythology. The female figures are remarkable; they all have the left hip turned out, the right turned inwards. The temple appears to be devoted to the god Shiva.

A shadow came between him and the sun, and Sanford abandoned the rattles to behold a monstrous female, unknown, white-skinned, moving on majestic feet to his seclusion. He sat deeper in the tub, but she seemed unabashed, and stood with a red hand on each hip, a grin rippling the length of her mouth. "Herself says you'll be comin' to herself now, if it's you that's Master San," she said.

Your courts are nothing, you can hire a lawyer to take any side of any case, but you can't hire one to go up against this!" He patted a lump that bulged at his hip and shook a clenched fist in the air. "No, sir! No law for me! Don't you ever think that I'll stand for re-locating that claim. That would be just the chance that these law-sharps are looking for, to start a contest and tie up the mine.

"'Alma, my child, I said, 'you believe that the Lord made your hip? "'Yes, mother. "'Well, the Lord can make something there in place of your hip, don't you believe he can, Alma? "'Do you think that the Lord can, mother? "'Yes, my son, I replied, 'He has shown it all to me in a vision.

After the first week, the wounded men took more or less exercise every day, and so kept their strength, and it was surprising how fast their wounds healed. The day before the one set to start for the settlement, I asked the man that had the wounded hip if he thought he could ride on horseback.

Suddenly two sharp reports in quick succession rang out from below; both constables fell, and a figure darted out of the doorway and raced madly up the street. "One of the fallen constables lay motionless; the other grasped his hip with one hand and with the other fired his revolver repeatedly at the retreating murderer, but apparently missed him every time.

He put his hand to his left hip pocket, one side of which had been torn out. From it he drew his brandy flask. "That was done by the third or fourth shot," he explained. "Do you wonder I was flat on my pony's neck and spurring as hard as I could?" The girl took the flask from his outstretched hand and looked it over with keen interest. In one side of the silver case was a small, neat hole.

Animals nearly always resist the placing of members in any position that is so unusual and uncomfortable as that which is required to materially displace the component tissues of the shoulder or hip; therefore, such practice is useless because one can not distinguish between normal resistance and flinching caused by painful sensations in injured parts.

Why, bless thine heart, old gossip, 'tis good to see an honest face amid this pack of rogues." There was a surly muttering in the crowd. Carew threw his head back haughtily and set his knuckles to his hip. "A pack of rogues, I say," he repeated sharply; "and a fig for the whole pack!" There was a certain wildness in his eyes. No one stirred or made reply. "Good!

Taking little heed of their disappointment, Roland helped himself to many of the good things upon the table, and retiring a little way he seated himself at breakfast upon the dry turf. Before doing so he coolly drew from the pocket at his hip one pistol, and from that at his breast another, laying both beside him on the ground.