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"We know just how you feel," Blackton tried to explain. "We felt just like you do, only we had to face twenty people instead of two. And you're not hungry. I'll wager that. I'll bet you don't feel like swallowing a mouthful. It had that peculiar effect on us, didn't it, Peggy?" "And I I almost choked myself," gurgled Peggy as they took their places at the table.

The little fellow screamed with fear, but Rob paid no attention to him until the feet of the two suspended sailors were actually dipping into the waves, when he brought their progress to an abrupt halt. "Wh wh what are you g g going to do?" gurgled the cowardly sailor. "I'm going to feed you to the sharks unless you promise to keep your mouth shut," retorted the boy. "Now, then; decide at once!

And it's long odds we understood each other quite as well as the girls did after they'd whispered and gurgled an hour. We had an early dinner or supper and ate fried bacon and stewed prunes and right there I couldn't keep the joke, but had to tell the girls about how Frosty and I had deviled Beryl's father, that time. They could see the point, all right, and they seemed to appreciate it, too.

Martha gurgled with joy. "What am I to do?" cried her victim helplessly. "Nothing. She has you securely because you fear to hurt her." "Little imp! Come now, let me go please. Oh, please, Miss Baby your Majesty: will nothing soften you? She is beginning early to take advantage of the chivalry of the stronger sex, and I doubt not she will know how to pursue her opportunity later on."

Perhaps because I can imagine having a little coquette of my own a bit dirty like that, and can't just see Nance Olden with a spick-and-span clean baby, all feathers and lace, like a bored little grown-up. "You're a mouse," I gurgled down at her. "You're a sweetheart. You're a " And suddenly I heard a cry and rush behind me.

A few yards beyond, the river gurgled and hissed, and from time to time a heavy splash announced the falling away of further portions of the bank.

The rivulet gurgled loud in the dark. And I came from concealment as from a spirit world. Then Hortense was no dream, and love was no phantom, and God was what? There I halted. The powers of darkness yet pressed too close for me to see through to the God that was love.

As the infant gurgled itself into silence, she glanced with a fleeting ecstatic smile at Maggie, who smiled back. It was strange how Maggie, now midway between thirty and forty, a tall, large-boned, plump, mature woman, efficient, kindly, and full of common sense it was strange how she always failed to assert herself. She listened now, not seeking notice and assuredly not receiving it.

They all laughed at her picture of their "wood-nymph," as they had named Aline. "And Eugene talking anarchy, and washing the dishes, it sounds like a Weber and Field's farce," gurgled Conny. "He wrote Percy about lecturing in New York, wanted to come East. But Percy couldn't do anything for him. It isn't a combination to make a drawing-room impression."

It's Merriwell!" gurgled Emery as he reeled back. "Onto him, fellows!" urged a soph, and Frank suddenly found six or seven of the crowd were at him. Just how he did it no one could tell, but he broke straight through the crowd and in another moment was rushing back toward Billy's, shouting: "Lambda Chi! Lambda Chi!" It was useless to try to follow him, as all quickly saw.