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I pray priests, whom you save other day, let her out of chokey as I sick to fall upon bosom, which quite true, only so much to think of that no time to attend to domestic relation till now." That very afternoon, on returning to his room from walking in the dismal cedar garden, Alan's ears were greeted by a sound of shrill quarrelling. Looking up he saw an extraordinary sight.

But when he reached the suburbs whither the leading citizens had come with certain mystic and sacred symbols, he greeted them as if he intended to entertain them at a banquet and then put them to death.

I need hardly tell you with what enthusiasm Tartarin-Quixote greeted this proposal; unfortunately Tartarin-Sancho did not see the matter in the same light, and as his views prevailed the affair came to nothing. At the time there was a great deal of talk in the town. Was he going or not going? It was a matter for eager discussion.

Had I done so, I could never have told her what Lorand wrote from a distance, how he greeted and kissed them a thousand times! "I know, mother dear." "Tell me quickly, where he is." "He is in a safe place, mother dear," said I encouragingly, and hastened to tell all I might relate.

Lima was hers, and never have I seen a fortnight so crowded with incidents. But Le Mire soon tired of it, as was to be expected. She greeted me one morning at the breakfast table: "My friend Paul, let us go to Cerro de Pasco. They have silver thousands and thousands of tons and what you call them? Ornaments." "And then the Andes?" I suggested. "Why not?"

The naval brigade was by this time in motion; and, hurrying forward, we soon found ourselves alongside the "Juno's" contingent, under the command of the second lieutenant, whose Irish blood was already up, and who greeted our appearance with a rollicking joke, which would in almost any other man have been unbecoming the dignity of his rank.

Herr Zimmermann's appointment as Secretary of State, on the other hand, was greeted by many papers, and indeed by the Press in general only a few papers were made somewhat uneasy by the news received lately by telegram, of his attitude towards the question of armed merchantmen with great applause.

Poor child, the avalanche of laughter that greeted this nearly swept him off his feet. But if a doubt remained in any mind that Tom Canty was not the King of England and familiar with the august appurtenances of royalty, this reply disposed of it utterly.

Our road lay across a high range of hills, from beyond which the sound of cannonading greeted us. By three o'clock that afternoon, when we reached the summit of the hills, the firing ahead had developed into the roar of a battle, and we pushed forward on the down-grade.

"Good morning," she greeted. "Come in; breakfast is almost ready." "Well, I'll be hanged!" the captain ejaculated as he descended the stairs. "What in time are ye up so early fer?" "Isn't the cook always supposed to be up early?" the girl questioned, while her eyes sparkled with merriment. "S'pose so," and the captain scratched his head in a dubious manner.