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"But Greenfield and the men who engineered this thing look to me like a bunch of green-goods men who live on the confidence of the people." "The people will gain their farms just the same," returned the financier. "They wouldn't have anything without the Company." The surveyor shrugged his shoulders. "Well, you may be right, Mr. Worth; but I've had all I can stand of it."

You'll have to show me! What are you doing East? Do the green-goods circulars get out that far?" "I've been in New York some years," said Woods. "I'm on the city detective force." "Well, well!" said Kernan, breathing smiling joy and patting the detective's arm. "Come into Muller's," said Woods, "and let's hunt a quiet table. I'd like to talk to you awhile."

"MacNutt, the wire tapper, is one of them!" "And you would like us to get after MacNutt?" "Yes, I would!" "On the charge of wire tapping?" "That should be one of them!" "Then I can only refer you to the decision of the Court of Appeals in the McCord case, and the Appellate Division's reversal of the 'green-goods' conviction of 1900!

It meant wearing shoes and a blue and white checkered apron, and making cane-bottomed chairs all day, and having to wash yourself in a big iron tub twice a week, not to speak of having to move about like machines whenever the lady teacher hit a bell. So when the green-goods men, of whom the genial Mr.

You can suppress the green-goods and gold-brick games, but folks will still go to shoveling sand if you mention pirates to 'em. What I want is to see 'em at it once." The harder you jolt Old Hickory, though, the steadier he gets. "Huh!" says he, smilin' sarcastic. "An ambition such as yours ought to be gratified. Take a good look at us, Megrue." "Wha-a-a-at!" gasps Barney, starin' at him.

Not one in one hundred of his patrons knew the secret of that room with its cosy divans and a private entrance to the stairway of an adjoining fashionable photograph gallery. But the dealers in the "queer," the handlers of lottery tickets, the pool-sellers, the oily green-goods man, and many a velvet-voiced, silken clad Delilah knew the pathway to that inner room.

Green goods is the technical name for counterfeit bills, and the green-goods men send out circulars to countrymen all over the United States, offering to sell them $5,000 worth of counterfeit money for $500, and ease their conscience by explaining to them that by purchasing these green goods they are hurting no one but the Government, which is quite able, with its big surplus, to stand the loss.

And turning his back resolutely to the north he went slowly home. The "trailer" for the green-goods men who rented room No. 8 in Case's tenement had had no work to do for the last few days, and was cursing his luck in consequence.

Gambler, crook and thief; wanton, decoy and badger; racing tout, fugitive, smuggler, and counterfeiter; lottery sharp and green-goods man, all welcomed the white, red and blue lights gleaming over the "Valkyrie" saloon as the harbor-lights of their safe port in any storm. "I have it," muttered Einstein, as he boldly threw open the swinging half door of the "Valkyrie."

"Why, for all you know, Abe, the feller would have maybe some big bargains." "If you are looking for bargains like that feller got it, Mawruss," Abe retorted, "you could find plenty of 'em by green-goods men. If you give me my choice between gold bricks and vacant lots, Mawruss, I would say gold bricks." Morris turned away impatiently. "What do you know about real estate, Abe?" he cried.