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The costumes, speech and gesticulation of these strange animals left an indelible impression on him, and were, perhaps, incidentally responsible for the notorious Judaism in Music of 1850, and all the fallacies contained in that deplorable essay.

She's goin' to marry THAT!" The last word was emphasized by a furious gesticulation toward the back of the gentleman from Sandwich. "Who? Mr. Pratt? Is your sister to marry him? Indeed! I congratulate them both and you." "Me? What in tunket I ask your pardon, Mr. Ellery, for talkin' so in the meetin' house but what are you congratulatin' me for?"

Exactly alike in their height, in their walk, in their features, and in their voices. Both with the same colored hair and the same beardless faces. Oscar's smile exactly reflected on Nugent's lips. Oscar's odd little semi-foreign tricks of gesticulation with his hands, exactly reproduced in the hands of Nugent.

She had been chattering very fast in a shrill, affected voice, with a gesticulation so free and French, and a face so close to his, that the nervous and finicking squire had been every moment afraid lest the next should find her white fingers in his very eyes. He felt an inward spasm of relief when he saw her attention diverted. "Is that Mr.

Gifts of oratory he had, both natural and acquired, a full, melodious voice, so sympathetic in modulation and so attuned to reverence that I have heard more than one person say that his first few words in the pulpit did more towards lifting them to a truly religious frame of mind than the whole service from any other lips, a fine dramatic power, enough to have given him distinction as an actor, had that been the profession of his choice, a striking dignity of presence, and an easy and appropriate gesticulation.

And he, nothing loth to let loose a naturally garrulous tongue in such company, and on such a theme, started off upon a long story illustrated by rapid gesticulation. "I will tell you," cried he, and plunged into explanation with more energy than coherence, "it was like this: "I had been already two years in that prison; we were some hundreds of prisoners, and it was a cruel place.

He preached with much gesticulation, emphasis, and grimace the most utterly trashy sermon I ever heard; words words words without the shadow of an idea in them."

When the report came to him that the Indians were about to renew their outrages on the upper waters of the James River, Bacon flew into a rage and, tossing his arms about in a wild gesticulation, as was his manner, declared: "If they kill any of my people, d n my blood, I will make war on them, with or without authority, commission or no commission."

The delirium of poor Anne continued for some time to find utterance, either by convulsive gesticulation, half-uttered expressions, and, occasionally, loud and vehement imprecations. At length, quite exhausted with her violence, which required all the efforts of her brother to subdue by positive force, she sunk into a state of insensibility.

She was the mother of a very large family, and complained to me that, what with child-bearing and hard field labour, her back was almost broken in two. With an almost savage vehemence of gesticulation she suddenly tore up her scanty clothing, and exhibited a spectacle with which I was inconceivably shocked and sickened.