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As if my rude repulse of her overtures and my keeping away from her ever since would not have justified her in almost anything. She flushed the dark red of shame, but her gaze held steady and unflinching upon mine. "It was not altogether by accident," she said. And I think she expected me to kill her.

"'Tain't fair nor right nor sensible for him to act like this, makin' a mountain out of an ant-hill. I declare, Miss Dorothy, he ought to be made to see you." The girl flushed and drew back. "Most certainly not, Susan! I I am not in the habit of MAKING people see me, when they don't wish to. Do you suppose I'm going to beg and tease: 'PLEASE won't you let me see you? Hardly! He need not worry.

You make it so hard; can't you see that you do? . . . But, after all, my part is clear; if you will consent to an examination and an operation I will say nothing of what has happened. If you won't do that . . . you will drive me to tell what I know." "Our trails divide to-night, then? I had hoped for better than that, Virginia." Though her cheeks flushed, she held her eyes steadily upon his.

Grace passed on, and sunk down on the first seat she could reach. Her face flushed, and, looking much fatigued, she loosened the strings of her bonnet and cloak "Then, I'm tired;" but, recollecting herself, she rose, and curtsied to the gentleman. "What tired ye, dear?"

Bud was bareheaded and in his sock feet. His eyes were terribly blue and bright, and his face was flushed as a drunken man's. He glanced over to the bank where the women and children were watching. It seemed to him that one woman fluttered her handkerchief, and his heart beat unevenly for a minute.

Betty and Timmy followed the woman through the kitchen of the lodge to a bedroom, where lay a pale-faced little girl of six. On the patchwork counterpane were a pair of scissors and a big sheet of paper. It was evident that the child had been trying to amuse herself by cutting out patterns. As the visitors came in, she sat up, and her little face flushed with joy. Here was her dream come true!

He raised up the sick girl, and placed her head where her feet had lain. Then he gave her some of the herb, and instantly her cheeks flushed red, and life stirred afresh in her.

A drop of blood appeared on the girl's left temple, near her eyelid. But she sprang forward, flushed and maddened by this correction, with her hand raised and ready to strike back. "Take care, mother! I swear I'd beat you like a gipsy!

At that instant, the telephone rang. "There's professor!" cried Fairy. "You tell him you are just delighted to go, and that you are so interested in bugs!" With a flushed face, Prudence took down the receiver. "Hello," she said, "this is the parsonage." And then, a second later, she said, "Yes, this is Prudence."

A smile parted his bearded lips, and going up to the girl he said: "Where beauty bids, even age must obey. Your lover, child, or your brother?" "My betrothed," Melissa hastened to reply; and the maidenly embarrassment which flushed her cheek became her so well that he added: "He must have much to recommend him if I allow him to carry you off, fair maid."