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He turned toward her, fingering a cheroot, and said something; but, though she answered, her head remained motionless, her eyes searching the shore indifferently. A figure or two appeared along the summit of the bank, voices calling to Fairfax, who stood up as he replied, ending the conversation with a wave of the hand to Sam, who had taken position at the wheel.

Arkwright stirred restlessly as he spoke up in quick defense: "Oh, but he is, I assure you. I I've seen them in their home together many times. I think they are very happy." Arkwright spoke with decision, though still a little diffidently. Calderwell was silent. He had picked up the little gilt band he had torn from his cigar and was fingering it musingly.

They consist in part of an exhaustive work on The Act of Touch in all its Diversity; First Principles of Piano Playing; Relaxation Studies; The Child's First Steps in Piano Playing; The Principles of Fingering and Laws of Pedaling; Forearm Rotation Principle; and, in press, The Principles of Teaching Interpretation.

He laughed, fingering the red silk of her hanging sleeve, feasting his eyes upon her dark beauty, so heightened and deepened in the year that had passed. "Then play to them and to me who shall watch you well to-morrow night. But after that to them never again! only to me, Audrey, to me when we walk in the garden at home, when we sit in the book-room and the candles are lighted.

At last he said, blushing like a girl, and fingering the love locks that hung from his temple: "To tell you the truth, Babache, I am set upon some adventure, out of which glory and fortune may be wrung. For I love a young lady, not indeed above me in rank, but as far beyond me in fortune as in merit, and I must bridge the gulf between us before I can aspire to her. It is it is Mademoiselle "

Send about a fourth by express and the others right away by freight." "Yes, but how did you start him, Sam?" "Oh, I'm just going to get to that now. I was something of a kid when I started out west. I've always been a plunger, you know. Of course I've cut out fingering chips for a long time now, but there was no stake too high for me in those days.

His right hand throbbed under the tight bandage; he kept fingering the bandage and pressing on the sore spots. Everything about him would seem suddenly definite and real as compared with the dismal bewilderment of his dreamings. Perhaps the doctor would enter, with professional cheerfulness.

Why, he'd make Brandon's hair stand on end!" "Well," said Martin gravely, "if there's any real chance of getting Wistons into this diocese I'll work for it with my coat off." "Good," said Bentinck-Major, tapping with a little gold pencil that he had been fingering, on the table. "Now we are all agreed. The next question is, what steps are we to take?" They all looked instinctively at Ronder.

But fair and calm as was the exterior of that envelope, none could tell how agitated was the hand that carried it backwards and forwards until the edges got crumpled and the inscription clouded with much fingering. Indeed, of all the tricks that Miss Mapp had compassed for others, none was so sumptuously contrived as that in which she had now entangled herself.

"Nothing," I said, "except that it seems a peculiar idea to drape a curtain before a recess in that way." "And such a curtain!" said Gatton, fingering the texture. I in turn touched the material with my fingers and found it to be an extremely heavy velvet.