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256 The eyes are not proud of their sight but of their eyeglasses. 257 I live in this little world of mine and am afraid to make it the least less. Lift me into thy world and let me have the freedom gladly to lose my all. 258 The false can never grow into truth by growing in power. 259 My heart, with its lapping waves of song, longs to caress this green world of the sunny day.

As I regarded her I was reminded of a white dove in the company of a pair of peacocks. The Philosopher adjusted his eyeglasses from time to time as if they did not fit well; he seemed to feel his vision growing distorted. I became intensely fatigued with it all, and found myself longing for a quiet corner and a book. As for the Skeptic but the Skeptic was incorrigible.

"Say, who do you want to see?" he demanded. "Why, Mr. Cabot Mr. Augustus Cabot." "Mr. Cabot's away, I tell you. He's out of town." A tall, thin man of middle age, who had just emerged from one of the private offices, paused beside them. He looked at Galusha through his eyeglasses, and then held out his hand. "Why, Bangs!" he exclaimed. "It IS Bangs, isn't it? Glad to see you. Don't you know me?

Her recital of the family annals became disconnected; she paused to take off and rub her eyeglasses and presently asked, in extenuated tones, if this were the usual path to the laurel. "It's the one I always take, dear Mrs. Potts; it's the one I wanted Sir Basil to see, it's so far the lovelier.

"And I thought I should please you!" sighed Adela. "What ought I to have done?" "Well, you might have asked me to design you some furniture. Nobody ever has asked me yet." He rubbed his eyeglasses and blinked. "Oh! You geniuses.... Janet darling!" Mrs. John moved forward to meet Miss Orgreave, John's appreciably elder sister, spinster, who lived with another brother, Charles, a doctor at Ealing.

The physician nervously bit his lips and wiped his eyeglasses with his handkerchief. In the stillness beyond the window the nocturnal noise of the city heaved wearily, and cold air blew on their faces and shoulders. Liudmila trembled; the mother saw tears running down her cheeks. From the corridor of the hospital floated confused, dismal sounds.

"We'll ask Venning and Perrott and Miss Murgatroyd every one we can lay hands on," went on Hewet. "What's the name of the little old grasshopper with the eyeglasses? Pepper? Pepper shall lead us." "Thank God, you'll never get the donkeys," said Hirst. "I must make a note of that," said Hewet, slowly dropping his feet to the floor.

Every commercialgentwears a patent on his chest, where his pen and pencil nestle in a coil of wire. Eyeglasses are not allowed to dangle aimlessly about, as of old, but retire with a snap into an oval box, after the fashion of roller shades. Scarf-pins have guards screwed on from behind, and undergarmentsbut here modesty stops my pen.

I But perhaps you had better read this." She took the clergyman's letter from her muff, and Senator North put on a pair of steel-rimmed eyeglasses and read it. When he had finished he put the eyeglasses in his pocket, folded the letter, and handed it to her. He had read the contents with equal deliberation. It seemed impossible that he would act otherwise in any circumstance.

There was no one so effective as the Austrian officers, who put themselves a good deal on show, bowing from their hips to favored groups; with the sun glinting from their eyeglasses, and their hands pressing their sword-hilts, they moved between the tables with the gait of tight-laced women. "They all wear corsets," Burnamy explained. "How much you know already!" said Mrs. March.