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"The women-folks are down the creek, bakin', to-day," said Jules explanatorily; "but I reckon that one of 'em will be up here in a jiffy to make supper, so you just take it easy till they come. I've got to meander over to the claim afore I turn in, but you just lie by to-night and take a rest." He turned away, leaving Hemmingway standing in the doorway still distraught and hesitating.

That, ma'am," explanatorily to the lady, who betrayed only a languid interest, "is to keep 'em from drawing their revolvers. A revolver is the last thing a road agent wants, either in a man's hand or in his holster.

"For I want to talk to you of old times. General Brant," she went on, turning explanatorily to Boompointer, "married my adopted mother in California at Robles, a dear old place where I spent my earliest years. So, you see, we are sort of relations by marriage," she added, with delightful naivete.

"The Lavender Lady and Miles are pottering about in the greenhouse," she announced explanatorily, waving her hand in the direction of a distant glimmer of glass beyond the high box hedge which flanked the rose-garden. "Are they?" Trent, thus arrested in the progress of his search for his host and hostess, seemed entirely indifferent as to whether it were ever completed or not.

Keith," went on the dark youth, explanatorily, "was just sayin' that though he had inspected carefully many fire equipments, per'fessional and amateur, he had nevah feasted his eyes on so complete an outfit as that of our Monumentals." Keith had not said all this, but possibly he had meant it.

"'It now appears that the success of the late stagecoach robbery near the Summit was largely due to the pusillanimity not to use a more serious word'" He stopped, and looked explanatorily towards Clinch: "Ye'll see in a minit what I'm gettin' at by that pusillanimity of the passengers themselves.

Kenton a piece of luck that she should be able to see him alone, and she could not have said that she was unprepared for him to come in, holding his theatre-tickets explanatorily in his hand, or surprised when he began: "Mrs. Kenton, my mother's got a bad headache, and I've come to ask a favor of you. She can't use her ticket for to-night, and I want you to let Miss Ellen come with me. Will you?"

"Shall I take it to her?" said Leonidas eagerly. "It's not for HER; it's for him Mr. Burroughs," said Mr. Hamlin quietly. The boy drew back. "To get him out of the way," added Hamlin explanatorily. "When he gets it, lightning wouldn't keep him here. Now, how to send it," he said thoughtfully. "You might leave it at the post-office," said Leonidas timidly.

The pelt he placed on a log beside the gunyah, and the carcase he cut in half across the backbone. Then he tossed the head half to Jess, and the other, and slightly larger portion, to Finn. "Fair doos," he said explanatorily. "Wolf's the biggest; and it was his kill, anyway; so he gets the quarters." So the hounds fed, while Bill washed and prepared his own breakfast.

The marching feet stopped. Shrewd old eyes studied her face and twinkled, responsive to the harmless mischief visible in it. "You got any with flags on in the corners or anywhere? Or drums on?" It was Old '61. "Or red, white an' blue ones? I'd like one o' them I fit in the war," explanatorily. "Yes?"