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The place is as full of us that we can 'ardly turn round as it is. No, I won't 'ear of it!" "But, Jim, Esther is quite willing to pay her way; she's saved a good little sum of money, and could afford to pay us ten shillings a week for board and the parlour." A perplexed look came on Jim's face. "Why didn't yer tell me that afore?

Esther's eyes filled with tears as she caught sight of it. Ephraim saw it too, and picked it up. "Perhaps we'd better take this here along as a clue," he said, looking very wise. Esther could not see what possible use it could be, or how it could help them, but she consented in order to hurry him along; so off they went, Ephraim carrying the tiny can.

For none might enter into the king's gate clothed with sackcloth. Esther iv., 2. The sign of affliction was thus excluded from the Persian court in order that royalty might not be discomposed.

About four nights after the loud reports had been heard, Esther had another similar attack. It came on about ten o'clock at night, just as she was getting in bed. This time, however, she managed to get into bed before the attack had swelled her up to any great extent.

I had to see you to-night on " She drew an easier breath, and asked him to come in. William had expected a rougher reception. The tone in which Esther invited him in was almost genial, and there was no need of so many excuses; but he had come prepared with excuses, and a few ran off his tongue before he was aware. "Well," said Esther, "it is rather late.

"Here is the necklace," said he, in a perfectly commonplace tone. "I suppose that's what you are talking about." Esther's eyes, by the burning force he felt in them, seemed to draw his, and he looked at her, as if to inquire what was to be done with it now it was here. Esther did not wait for any one to put that question. She spoke sharply, as if the words leaped to utterance.

Good men and strong men have given me love, and have shown me of their love for others; but never did I feel myself so in the living presence of incarnate love as I did that night, sitting with my white-haired uncle, face to face with the faded records of the love of Esther Wynn. It was only from one note that we discovered her last name.

They offer such peace and comfort for weary feet. It's then one is tempted to throw away the mountain-staff and accept the invitation of the open door and welcoming hearth." "Oh, Esther," I exclaimed, "were you afraid I was going to throw away my mountain-staff?" "Oh, no, no. I was simply speaking figuratively." She would not be personal. "I'm not such a poor climber as all that," I went on.

Leighton should bring her niece a book did not seem strange at all, but that he should be so very thoughtful as to tell Esther to take it to her room struck her as rather odd, and as the practiced war-horse scents the battle from afar, so Mrs. Meredith at once suspected something wrong, and felt a curiosity to know what the book could be.

"You strike me as being a demon," said Esther, clinging closer to Lucien. "My child, I tried to win you to heaven; but a repentant Magdalen is always a practical joke on the Church. If ever there were one, she would relapse into the courtesan in Paradise.