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Not to be outdone, the Duchess of Fiano told the superioress that she would make me the almoner of her bounty towards Armelline and Emilie. My expressions of gratitude to the princess when we were back in the carriage may be imagined. I had no need to excuse Armelline, for the princess and the cardinal had gauged her capacities.

As soon as I appeared at the grating the superioress was sent for, and we had an interview. The princess had given her fifty crowns, which she was going to lay out on linen for Armelline and Emilie. The recluses were stupefied when I told them that the fat priest was Cardinal Bernis, as they had an idea that a cardinal can never doff the purple.

"Heaven be praised!" cried Emilie, "I shall never more see M. de Brisac. My mother, I am sure, will no longer wish me to marry him." "No, in truth," said the countess, "it would now be a most unequal match, and one to which he is by no means entitled. How fortunate it is that I had not given him my promise! After all, your aversion to him, child, was quite providential.

"No, nine, for I am coming," said the Charpillon, giving me an impudent stare, "and I hope you will not drive me away." "No, that would be impolite, I will ride in front on horseback." "Oh, not at all! Emilie shall sit on my lap." Emilie was Malingan's daughter, and as everybody seemed to think the arrangement an extremely pleasant one I had not the courage to resist.

Colibri pondered and turned to the lieutenant.... All at once there was the muffled sound of tapping repeated three times at even intervals somewhere in the house. Colibri laughed, almost snorted. "To-day no, to-morrow yes. Come to-morrow." "At what time?" "Seven ... in the evening." "And what about Emilie?" "Emilie ... no; will not be here." "You think so? Very well.

Wenzel's face until the busy man would look up from his papers and ask: "What does my Peter want?" Especially did Emilie fly to this refuge in papa's room after a quarrel with Franz, and I'm sorry to say she had a great many. The apple woman found out that the little brother and sister were not always amiable.

Edith had come to see the dear old aunt off; and now re-entered the lodgings to help Emilie to collect her things, and to settle with Miss Webster for the lodgings, before her departure.

"I wish it may, for his sake," said Emilie; "but certainly not for my own." "Oh! Mlle. de Coulanges! But I have no right to extort confidence. I will not, as I said before, utter a syllable that can imply reproach. Let me go on with what I was telling you of my intentions. As soon as the pension is doubled, I will speak to Mad. de Coulanges about M. de Brisac."

Franz and Emilie and Peter Wenzel were little German children, born in America. Their father was a teacher, and his children were alone with him except for the good old German woman, Anna, who was cook and nurse too in the household.

"This is a favourite air of mamma's," said Emilie, "and I thought that she would be pleased by my choosing it." "Yes," replied Mrs. Somers, in her constrained voice, "I remember that the Countess de Coulanges and her friend or your friend M. de Brisac, were charmed with this air, when you sang it the other night.