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Emilie could judge only by what she saw; and she could not divine that Mrs. Somers was occupied, all this time, with the generous scheme of marrying her to her son and heir, and of settling upon her a large fortune; nor could she guess, that all the ill-humour in Mrs. Somers originated in the fear that her friends should be made either rich or happy without her assistance.

Emilie clasped her hands, and looked up to heaven with the unaffected expression of filial piety in her countenance. Every body was silent. Mrs. Somers was struck with regret with remorse for the taunting manner in which she had spoken. "My dearest Emilie, forgive me!" cried she; "I am shocked at what I said." Emilie took Mrs. Somers' hand between hers, and endeavoured to smile. Mrs.

"Ah!" cried Emilie, "if Louise were to see you with me at such an hour as this, she would be capable of compromising me. Go into that closet and don't make the least noise." The husband, caught like a mouse in a trap, concealed himself in the closet. "Good-day, my dear!" said the two women, kissing each other. "Why are you come so early?" asked Emilie. "Oh! my dear, cannot you guess?

"Though she declares," he thought, "that she never takes presents, we all know what such sayings mean; and if she really is so disinterested, Emilie won't be so squeamish." So argued this Don Juan of Nikolaev, who had probably never heard of the original Don Juan and knew nothing about him.

"He only said that it appeared to him a strange time for music. But listen, Monsieur Raoul," added Madame Denis, "the parts are changed now, my dear abbe, it is our Athenais who sings, and it is Emilie who accompanies her on the guitar."

"No, nine, for I am coming," said the Charpillon, giving me an impudent stare, "and I hope you will not drive me away." "No, that would be impolite, I will ride in front on horseback." "Oh, not at all! Emilie shall sit on my lap." Emilie was Malingan's daughter, and as everybody seemed to think the arrangement an extremely pleasant one I had not the courage to resist.

You are at this moment under the necessity of making such a choice of a husband as may secure your durable happiness " "My good father," replied Emilie, assuming her most coaxing tone of voice to interrupt him, "it strikes me that the armistice on which we agreed as to my suitors is not yet expired." "Emilie, we must to-day forbear from jesting on so important a matter.

"If you do this," she concluded, "you will have the merit of making Emilie happy." I took down the man's name, and promised to do my best with the princess. "Are you still determined to cure yourself of your love for Armelline?" "Yes, but I shall not begin the cure till Lent." "I congratulate you; the carnival is unusually long this year." The next day I spoke of the matter to the princess.

Not every young lady would be so content to remain all the holiday-time with the governess; but Edith loved her governess. Happy governess, to be loved by her pupil! Mrs. Parker received Emilie very kindly: she was satisfied that her dear child would be happy in her absence, and she knew enough of Emilie, she said, to believe that she would see that Mr.

Emilie now went to the piano, and in her clear voice sang softly that beautiful anthem, "I will arise and go to my Father." It was not the first time that Joe had shown something like emotion at the sound of music; now it softened and composed him. "I should like to hear that again," he said, in a voice so unlike his own that Emilie was surprised.