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Between bites he was singing dolefully to the tune of "Annie Laurie" one of the ditties of his quondam Sunday School: "The Boorjoys' brays are bonnie, Too-roo-ra-roo-raloo, But the Workers of the World Wull gar them a' look blue, And droon them in the sea, And for bonnie Annie Laurie I'll lay me down and dee." "Losh, laddie," she cried, "that's cauld food for the stomach.

This would imply the building of a breakwater at the narrow outlet of the lake, the damming up of a few mountain passes, and the "impounding" of a tributary of the Dee below the lake the Tryweryn, which has an extensive drainage-area; but these works are still only projected.

Embarrassed with this unexpected honour, Dee no sooner got home, than he dispatched an express to the earl, honestly confessing that he should be unable to entertain such guests in a suitable manner, without being reduced to the expedient of selling or pawning his plate, to procure him the means of doing so.

What shall I do? What shall I do? I will e'en go and drown me in the Dee water!" She did not run very fast, but still she ran. Now this was more than Sholto had bargained for, and he in turn pursued her light-foot, swifter than he had ever run in his life. He overtook her just as she reached the little ascent of the rocks by the river margin.

The work is flighty, indeed crazy; Dee thought that the hallucinations were spirits, and believed that his 'show-stones' were occasionally spirited away by the demons. Kelly pretended to hear noises in the stones, and to receive messages. In our own time, while many can see pictures, few know what the pictures represent.

"You won't forget then. You won't forget to nag me even then for duds to go automobiling with fly men that can't bring you no good." "Dee Dee, I 'ain't been but one night this week. I been saving up all my nights for for to-night." "To-night. Say, I can't keep you from going to the devil on skates if " "It's only the second time this week, Dee Dee, and I I promised.

This was a difficult matter; but, to a man like Kelly, who was as deficient in rectitude and right feeling as he was full of impudence and ingenuity, the difficulty was not insurmountable. He had also deeply studied the character and the foibles of Dee; and he took his measures accordingly.

"My dee gamma, I so solly you's sick!" said she, stroking Mrs. Parlin's face, and picking open her eyelids. But after patting and "pooring" the dear lady for some time, she thought she had made her "all well," and then was anxious to get away. Mrs. Parlin wished to keep her up stairs as long as possible, because Ruth had a toothache. "Shan't I tell you a story, dear?" said she.

"Ay, ye can, ye can, my lord ye'd be awfully missed gin ye were to dee." "Then I'll no dee" faintly smiling, and using the familiar speech of his childhood. "Call Malcolm. I'll try to rise. And, nurse, if you would have the carriage ordered the pony carriage I will drive down to the Manse and see how Mr. Cardross is. He must be rather dull without his daughter."

On the following day the royal party left Holyrood and travelled to Balmoral. The Queen, with the Prince and her children, and the Duchess of Kent, with her son and grandson, were at the great gala of the district, the Braemar gathering, where the honour of her Majesty's presence is always eagerly craved. Another amusement was the leistering, or spearing, of salmon in the Dee.