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It's a good straight camp, Wolfville is; but business is business, an' we ain't pirootin' 'round none, givin' nothin' away, be we, Doc? "'Not much, says Doc. 'It's enough for a gent to pay debts, without stampedin' 'round makin' presents of things. "'That's whatever, says Enright; 'so Miss, me an Doc'll vamos over to the Red Light an' get the dust, an' I reckons we'll be back in an hour.

Wot you wanter yell fer?" "You mind your own business and do as you're told!" said Helena tartly. "Go in there and stay with the Patriarch." "Sure," said the Flopper, grinning a little now. "Sure t'ing but youse needn't get on yer ear about it. Cheer up, mabbe de Doc'll be out to-night, an' if he don't hear youse yellin' himself will I tell him youse are out on de beach t'rowin' a fit?"

"Jessamine!" she whispered to him. "Jessamine! Doc'll never suspicion you, Lin." "Talk sense," said he. "It's sense I'm talking. Leave me go to sleep. Ah, ah, I'm going! I'll go; you can't " "Walk, walk!" he repeated. He looked at the door. An ache was numbing his arms. "Oh yes, walk! What can you and all your muscle Ah, walk me to glory, then, craziness! I'm going; I'll go.

Perhaps if Boyd had some of that in him.... But dared they stay here? Kirby squatted back on his heels as Drew settled Boyd on his blankets and went to unhook the pot. Then the Texan supported the younger boy as Drew ladled spoonfuls of the improvised broth into his mouth. "Th' doc'll come," Kirby murmured. "Croff promised to guide him heah. But this gang business "

McKenna, "But who are Flora an' Fauna, Jawn?" "I don't know," said Mr. McKenna. "It sounds mighty suspicious, annyhow," said the philosopher. "I hope th' doc'll be able to square it with his wife." "Keep ye'er eye on th' Pops, Jawn. They're gr-reat people an' a gr-reat pa-arty. What is their principles? Anny ol' thing that th' other pa-arties has rijected.

"'You can say an old fool wants them, says Doc, 'and you'll hit it about right. "So Doc jined church, an' he's leadin' the singin' now; but you can see why I keep sich a lookout lest he gits started off on some new religion." Mrs. Weaver glanced at the clock. "Mercy me!" she exclaimed. "Doc'll be home before I git them supper dishes washed up.

When the Mayor began his oration Purdy's eyes flashed rapidly over the crowd and seeing that neither Cinnabar Joe nor the doctor were present, slipped his horse around the end of the lumber pile and dashed for the doctor's office. "That damn Doc'll wisht he hadn't never double-crossed me!" he growled, as he swung from the saddle before the horse had come to a stop.

And did your honorable peace officer tell you that Jim Waring is goin' to leave comfortable and peaceful just as soon as the A'mighty and the doc'll turn him loose? Well, I seen he was talkin' to you, and I figured he might 'a' been tellin' you these things, but I wa'n't sure. Was you-all thinkin' of stoppin' me? Such doin's!