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And one man onely were able to directe a thousande of our common milwrightes in that trade; and carpinters and joyners, the realme may spare thousandes for a nede. And with like ease and shortenes of time wee may make of the woodes there pitch and tarr, which are thinges fitt for our navie, and marchandizes of goodd vente and of comon neede.

Reioisyng that he was now come: whiche should bee the sauluiour of the worlde. And when the Timbre was redy to be framed, and the foundacion digged: it behoued; them to send for the Bishoppe, to hallowe the firste corner stone of the foundacion, and to make the signe of the crosse thervpon, and to laie it, and directe, it iuste Easte and Weste.

Here is a passage from one of my father's letters in acknowledgment of the photograph of our house: "J'ai recu avec infiniment de plaisir votre lettre et la photographie qui l'accompagnait. Cette petite image nous met en communication plus directe, en nous identifiant pour ainsi dire, a votre vie interieure. Merci donc, et de bon coeur."

Mais ces soi-disant plaisirs mènent de façon très directe au crime: c'est l

Nam et ipsum Soldanum audiui cum ijs bene et directe loquentem idioma Francorum. Itaque in omnibus his mente consternatus obmutui, cogitans, et dolens de peccatis singulis, rem taliter se habere. Explicit prima pars huius operis. The English Version.

Perinde principis est curare salutem animarum, ac ejusdem est saluti corporum prospicere: non est autem principis providere ne morbi grassentur directe, esset enim medicus, at indirecte tamen princeps id studere debet.

Quinque pedes passum faciunt, passus quoque centum Viginti quinque stadium, si millia des que Octo facis stadia, duplicatum dat tibi leuca. Hic autem notandum est, quod a portu Venetie, vsque ad Constantinopolim directe per mare octingentae leucae et 80. communiter computantur ibi contentae. The English Version.

'Il n'a pas pris une part directe au mouvement des affaires de son pays, n'ayant siege ni dans le parlement ni dans aucun cabinet; mais son influence etait considerable: sans cesse consulte, souvent charge de messages importants; enfin sa plume, sa plume surtout, ne restait jamais inactive, et ses ecrits portaient coup. Reeve was never 'un des principaux redacteurs' of the Edinburgh Review.