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It is even related that the Emperor, strongly encouraging him used the words of our blessed Lord to Judas: “Quod facis, fac citius.” Napoleon, indeed, denied having uttered these words. It matters not. All his acts, at the time, expressed their meaning.

After many greetings on both sides, she proceeded, in her Latin, to give me an account of all that had occurred in the village since I had last been there, and of the atrocities of the factious in the neighbourhood. I asked her to breakfast, and introduced her to the friar, whom she addressed in this manner: "Anne Domine Reverendissime facis adhuc sacrificium?"

Curio's treachery is pilloried in the epigram, "Emere omnes, hic vendidit Urbem." The mingled cowardice and folly of servile obedience is nobly expressed by his reproach to the people: "Usque adeone times, quem tu facis ipse timendum?" An author who could write like this had studied rhetoric to some purpose.

In view of the rarity of these volumes, and the importance of the philosopher, it is welcome news that J.P.N. Land has undertaken an edition of the collected works, in three volumes, of which the first two have already appeared. The Hague, 1891-92. Geulincx bases the occasionalistic position on the principle, quod nescis, quomodo fiat, id non facis.

Tu canis Ascraei veteris praecepta poetae, Quo seges in campo, quo viret uva iugo. Tale facis carmen, docta testudine quale Cynthius impositis temperat articulis."

Whereat the poor sinner stood still a while, and then repeated this beautiful distich, no doubt by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, to warn all learned sinners against that demon of pride and vain-glory which too often takes possession of them. "Quid juvat innumeros scire atque evolvere casus Si facieuda fugis et fugienda facis?"

Quinque pedes passum faciunt, passus quoque centum Viginti quinque stadium, si millia des que Octo facis stadia, duplicatum dat tibi leuca. Hic autem notandum est, quod a portu Venetie, vsque ad Constantinopolim directe per mare octingentae leucae et 80. communiter computantur ibi contentae. The English Version.

I've bin so long amung wax statoots that I can fix 'em up to soot the tastes of folks, & with sum paints I hav I kin giv their facis a beneverlent or fiendish look as the kase requires. I giv Sir Edmun Hed a beneverlent look, & when sum folks who thawt they was smart sed it didn't look like Sir Edmun Hed anymore than it did anybody else, I sed, "That's the pint. That's the beauty of the Statoot.