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"I hoped " But what he hoped he kept himself from saying. "I must," said Esther, with a little deprecatory look and another significant one at Madame Beattie's back. "Good-bye." She threw Lydia, in her scornful silence there in the background, a smile and nod. "But " the colonel began. Again he had to stop.

I myself was not averse to Master Snowdon, though he was to my mind, which was ever fain to seize knowledge as a man and a soldier should, by the forelock instead of dallying, too mild and deprecatory, thereby, perhaps, letting the best of her elude him.

"Well," Nasmyth broke out impulsively, "if it had been you to whom we made that block over, I could have abdicated with confidence and have left it all to you." Laura smiled, and Nasmyth became sensible that his face had grown a deeper red. "Whatever made you say that?" she asked. "I don't quite know." Nasmyth's manner was deprecatory.

They're the bosses, but there's three under-dogs, and the place is kept going night and day." Foyle grunted. "How long have you known this? Couldn't you have dropped on 'em before?" The other made a deprecatory gesture with his hands. "They're cunning. The show had been running three months before we got wind of it.

"As I say, he isn't quite ready yet, in my judgment, but he is near it, and he's the right man! He's in this room now. You're the man I'm thinking about, Witla." "No," said Eugene quietly. "Yes; you," replied Colfax. "You flatter me," he said, with a deprecatory wave of his hand. "I'm not so sure that he is." "Oh, yes, he is, if he thinks he is!" replied Colfax emphatically.

Annister's gaze, wandering downward, fell upon his companion, and he came back to the matter in hand with a deprecatory smile. "Pardon me, Mr. Gordon. I've been going far astray. But the whole question interests me deeply. Strange, strange, what havoc within a man's brain that war between right and wrong can make, when his own fierce desires get mixed up in it! Will you go on, please?

This closed her testimony. Kate, the cook, was now recalled, and asked to tell when she last washed the handkerchief? "This, sir; this handkerchief? Oh, some time this week, sir," throwing a deprecatory glance at her mistress. "What day?" "Well, I wish I could forget, Miss Eleanore, but I can' t. It is the only one like it in the house. I washed it day before yesterday." "When did you iron it?"

"We have tried your plan, but one must be rich to buy the votes. Besides, if one is beaten at the polls, there remains the last appeal to the knife. But you will let this go. We have something else to talk about." "That is so," said Kit. "To begin with, I must thank you for sending your rurales to look after me." "It is nothing," Alvarez replied in a deprecatory tone.

She took the tea-things away in her usual placid manner, but came back the next moment as if she had forgotten something, clearly the hat. With a slight deprecatory laugh she removed it and went hurriedly down the stair.

It was not his wish to represent himself as a hero, and now and then he spoke with deprecatory humour, but he betrayed something of his character in doing justice to his theme. Millicent's eyes sparkled as she listened, for she found the story moving; he was the man she had thought him, capable of grim endurance, determined action, and steadfast loyalty.