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So, of all Valdemar's four sons, not one died a peaceful, natural death. But kings they all were. Valdemar was laid in Ringsted with his great father. He sleeps between his two queens. Dagmar's grave was disturbed in the late middle ages by unknown vandals, and the remains of Denmark's best-loved queen were scattered.

The bishop he seized, and threw him into the dungeon of Söborg Castle, where he had sat thirteen years when Dagmar's prayers set him free. He could hardly walk when he came out, but he could hate, and all the world knew it. The Pope bound him with heavy oaths never to return to Denmark, and made him come to Italy so that he could keep an eye on him himself.

She was making tracks so successfully, the minion of the law knew very well his whistle would never summon help the only other officer in town being "out of town" to his personal knowledge. So Tessie went, and with her Dagmar's pocketbook and the Girl Scout Badge! "Now, don't you worry, little girl. You are not like that one running away.

Didn't your folks treat you right?" "Oh, yes," hurried Dagmar to correct any such impression as that question conveyed. "But I wanted to help them all, and I thought I could!" Tears were running over now, and Dagmar's courage was at lowest ebb.

Just to make it look conventional nice, Victorian, English, you understand you and I can go off to the Continent together while Dagmar's getting rid of me. There'll be no trouble about that. I'm properly dished. Besides, I want freedom. A new life. Beauty, without having to buck this confounded distrust of beauty. Sensation, without being ashamed of sensation. I want to drop out of sight. Reform?

You all know that this affectation of respectability did not last long not more than five years; long enough for the novelty to wear off. The genius or the devil that was in Cecil Grimshaw made its reappearance. He was tossed out of Dagmar's circle like a burning rock hurled from the mouth of a crater; he fell into Chelsea again.

The King was away in a distant part of the country when they sent to him in haste with the message that the queen was dying. The ballad tells of his fears as he sees Dagmar's page coming, and they proved only too true. The king his checker-board shut in haste, The dice they rattled and rung. Forbid it God, who dwells in heaven, That Dagmar should die so young.

And there stood Dagmar, alone, and as the "movies" say, "Forsaken!" "Oh, Tessie," she called weakly. "Come back. You have my pocketbook!" But the fleeing girl did not stop to listen to Dagmar's cry or to the shrill whistle the officer again sent out into the night.

"Well, we didn't say we would be there tonight," Tessie had the audacity to reply. "No, I thought not," and he twirled that formidable stick almost into Dagmar's scared face. "Well, shall we send her word?" "Oh, we can find our way," put in Tessie again, attempting to start off. "Maybe so. But here in Franklin we have a curfew law, and we don't allow little girls out alone so late."

The King had other sons, but to Dagmar's boy the people had given their love from the first, as they had to his gentle mother. The old King and his people grieved together. But Valdemar rose above his sorrows. Great as he had been in the days of victory, he was greater still in adversity. The country was torn by the wars of three-score years, and in need of rest.