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Brother Lawrence warns us that this practice may even seem repugnant to us at first. The mind of an adult is more restive and all over the place than the body of a child. How are we to curb its incessant restlessness and stay it upon prayer and worship? How restrain its wanderings and point it to the mark? How take it away from its automatic stream of thoughts and focus it on God?

"We're late now," said the long-suffering Sam. "What do you want to ask Mr. Mendam, Dot? Hurry up." Mr. Mendam was still standing on the curb and Dot leaned out of the sleigh to call to him. "I wish I could know who the sled belongs to," she said earnestly. "If a little girl owns it, will you let me know? Or a little boy please?" "I'll write you and tell you," Mr. Mendam promised.

It swung close to the curb, and was pulled up barely a yard short of the waiting cab, whose engine the driver was starting with the crank. A shout came from the interior, and a man leaped out. The street was rather dark in that part, but Hermione recognized the stranger instantly. "Count Vassilan!" she cried, and the fear in her voice thrilled Curtis to the core.

In the better districts of Havana the driveways are twenty-three feet and the sidewalks about ten feet wide. Politeness keeps native and foreign men hopping up and down the foot deep curb to allow ladies a fair share of elbow-room on the pavements.

There was no party to depose him, scarcely one strong enough to curb him, even at times of popular indignation. He was, therefore, as no other king had been before him, able to force the issue upon the colonies, in spite of the protests of the few friends of liberty. In complete ignorance of the strength of the colonists, both in resources and in purpose, he proceeded to insist upon his rights.

If nowadays men were addicted to any practice which made them seriously and generally offensive to women, it would not occur to the latter to attempt to curb it by law.

But should they persevere in their opposition and attempt to use any force on behalf of the abbot against our purpose and that of the honest people, it will then be our duty to curb force with force, until honest people, perchance our Confederates of Bern and others shall interpose and help to make a treaty of peace.

If it follows a period of misfortune and disturbance, during which morality and reason have been equally perverted, when passions have been indulged without curb, when private interests have been paraded without shame, then oppression falls within the number of dangers which are only to be anticipated, while license is that which must be directly opposed.

Besides, he must go back and get to work; the young master, who was busily going from cart to cart, ordering meat, had called to him. They hung together like the halves of a pea-pod when it was a question of keeping the apprentices on the curb, although otherwise they were jealous enough of one another.

"The factions are muzzled," say they; "but the factious spirit still ferments under the curb of power; if means can be found to force it to evaporate on objects which belong to the domain of illusion and sensibility, the result will prove a great blessing to France, by carrying back to the arts and to literature, and even to commerce, that exuberance of heat and activity which can no longer be employed without danger on political subjects."