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"Old Fairfax Fairfax had a keen sense of humour, and as he looked down on the strangely old young darky and took in his answer, the circumstance became too much for his gravity, and his relaxing laugh sent the culprits rolling and tumbling in the sand in an ectasy of relief from the strained situation. "'Cahoots I reckon it was "Cahoots," the judge said.

The rebellious HANDS were become most penitent STOMACHS; and fresh from the Oriental associations suggested by our last day's ride, I involuntarily dismissed the disconsolate culprits, with the Asiatic form of condonation: "Mashallah, you have made your faces white! Go in peace!" During our expedition to the interior, the harbour of Reykjavik had become populous with new arrivals.

Juan Ortiz, the interpreter, whose sympathies were deeply moved in behalf of his comrades about to be executed, adopted the following singular and sagacious expedient to save them: He falsely reported to the Governor that the chief had sent his messengers to implore the forgiveness of the culprits to say that their offence was a very slight one, and that he should regard it as a personal favor if they were pardoned and set at liberty.

One night, however, when she went, as was her custom, to look at the sleeping children before retiring herself, she found, to her horror, that they were not there. The whole household was roused, and there was an agonising hue and cry; but, by and by, the culprits were seen slinking softly in at the principal door.

So far, then, the sympathy of the audience lay with the culprits; this the Head Master knew. When he spoke again, his voice had changed, subtly, but unmistakably. "You were afraid," he said, "that I had something worse ah, yes, unspeakably worse to tell you. Thank God, this is not one of those cases from which every clean, manly boy must recoil in disgust.

The fool! why, all convicts haven't life sentences, and does he think that they would remain out there and do as he liked after their time was up? It isn't likely." "Why, that would be worse than the slave trade," said Ned, "and wouldn't there be a nice crop of murders there? Why, they would require to get a factory specially for making hemp ropes to hang the culprits."

How many of these there were we have no means of knowing, as the culprits disappeared in the mountains after murdering William Faulkner, a well-known sheep man, and wounding Tom Long." There followed a lurid account of the battle, written from the point of view of the other side. After which the editor paid his respects to Fraser, though not by name.

How he got there, and what excuse he was able to make for so unmagisterial an appearance, we are not informed; but strange whispers went about the city, and the cauzee's dance became the favourite one or the strolling drolls, whom he had often the mortification of seeing taking him off as he passed to and from the tribunal, and not unfrequently in causes of adultery the evidences and culprits would laugh in his face.

Woodward made so many slips of the tongue when addressing him," I said. "Here is another important thing," remarked Mr. Harrison; "a letter from this John Woodward stating that Mrs. Agatha Mitts knows of the forgeries. Now, if you can get this woman to testify against the two culprits, I think you will have a clear case."

The boats were hoisted up at the davits, and the boatswain was ordered to pipe all hands on deck. The principal looked calm, but stern, as he took the position on the hatch which he usually occupied when he addressed the students. "Wilton and Monroe," said he. The culprits came forward, hanging their heads with shame. "I learn that you are the ringleaders in this movement. Is it so?"