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What do you think?" "I think you're getting worse as you grow older, Pat. Say, did you ever get track of that roan mare you lost up at Las Cruces?" "Yes, I got her back." "Speaking of horses, I saw a pinto down in Sonora " Just then the assistant joined them, and they sauntered to the cantina. Dex, tied at the rail, turned and gazed at them.

For one while we thought he was throwin' us down in this railroad deal, but now we know he wasn't. We done elected him mayor, and right soon we're goin' to elect him something better'n that if they ain't started it already over to Cruces that is, I mean, if he ever gets well, which ain't likely him bein' dead. Now I hate to talk this-a-way to you, ma'am; I ought to give you this letter.

He does not amount to a thing except with weaklings. Uncle Hewie has twins. The boys got him vexed some about it, but I think they are his. Now that is all I know to-day and I would like to see you poco presently as they say at Los Cruces. There's no sense in you being sick." The rest of this letter discussed the best meeting point for us should I decide to join him for a hunt.

Carranza was threatening reprisals; no one seemed to know what Villa's attitude would be. A few American women who had little children had decided after all to go north. At Las Cruces and El Paso you could no longer buy a Browning, or arms of any kind. All had been snapped up.

Venta Cruz, the modern Cruces, stood, and still stands, on the west or left bank of the Chagres River. It marks the highest point to which boats may penetrate from the North Sea. Right opposite the town the river broadens out to a considerable width, affording berths for a number of vessels of slight draught. At the time of Drake's raid it was a place of much importance.

"Certainly," agreed the Frémonter. "So would I." And Charley sleepily determined that he would, also. But anyway, the future looked bright again. "We ought to reach Cruces to-morrow, and Panama the day after," remarked Mr. Adams; which were the last words that Charley heard until he was shaken by the shoulder and his father's voice was saying: "All right, Charley. Time to start."

I would not hurry you, gentlemen, but you should start early in the morning, for this is our rainy season and you are liable to be delayed." "It is a paved road, you say, sir?" queried Mr. Adams. "After a fashion," smiled Don Antonio, "but laid more than 300 years ago. From Panama to Cruces it was paved with flat stones, and was made wide enough for two carts to pass one another.

Las Cruces men, remembering that the militia was composed of Mexicans, had begun giving their wives lessons in target practice.

"Soy banando soy banando, capitan fresco fresquito," squealed Hombrecillo; while, splash between every exclamation, his dutiful son let fly a gourdfull of agua at his head. That same evening we returned to Panama; and next morning, being the 22d of such a month, I left my kind friends, and, with Peter Mangrove, proceeded on our journey to Cruces, mounted on two stout mules.

But I speak off-hand, and must not be held too closely to the obiter dictum of a viva voce opinion. It seems to me that, notwithstanding its peculiar idiosyncrasies, and the various 'cruces' that it presents, it will, upon closer examination, be found to fall within those general laws that govern the legal course of testamentary disposition. If I remember aright I speak off-hand the Act of 1.