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The pleasures of the mind are the purest, and of greatest service in making joy endure. Cardan, when already an old man, was so content with his state that he protested solemnly that he would not exchange it for the state of the richest of young men who at the same time was ignorant. M. de la Motte le Vayer quotes the saying himself without criticizing it.

At the church Congress in Birmingham, October 12, 1921, Lord Dawson, the king's physician, in criticizing the report of the Lambeth Conference concerning Birth Control, delivered an address defending this practice. Of such bravery and eloquence that it could not be ignored, this address electrified the entire British public.

They protested both fear and friendship. He broke off with a giggle into English: 'Of course, I tell you this unoffeecially to elucidate political situation, Mister O'Hara. Offeecially, I am debarred from criticizing any action of superiors. Now I go on.

And while the countryside an idle countryside, engaged almost wholly in holiday-making and glad of any new distraction began to be interested and asked questions, Mr. Twist was working day and night at getting the thing ready. All day long he was in Acapulco or out at the cottage, urging, hurrying, criticizing, encouraging, praising and admonishing.

Canning at the Beirne reception was due to the fact that he, though a demigod, had thought, at times, of writing a book.... "Mats," said Carlisle, apropos of nothing whatever, "have you ever heard people criticizing the Works saying horrid things about conditions being unhealthy there, or anything of that sort?" "Why, yes, dear, I have," said Mats at once, and sweetly. "Not very lately, though.

Then there's Aunt Jane she strikes me as a very colourless person. If she could have been arrested in the second act for bigamy And then I should leave out your third act altogether, and put the fourth act at Monte Carlo, and let the heroine be blackmailed by what's the fellow's name? See what I mean?" I said that I saw. "You don't mind my criticizing your play?" he added carelessly.

But the Federal Government can only do what the Constitution expressly authorizes it to do, and the Constitution does not authorize it to protect a citizen in criticizing the institutions of his own State. This arrangement, too, is just as good federalism as the committal of free speech to federal guardianship would have been.

Whenever they happen to be thrown together for a few minutes I see the smart-liveried Vedder criticizing with his mysterious eyes the mean features of the weedy Salomon; his weak face with the curious, splay mouth that falls far apart in speaking, almost as if the jaw were broken; his old cloth cap, and his thin, short figure loosely wrapped in a long, linen dust coat.

He sets loose a mad ox among a crowd: his motive is now, perhaps, termed an abominable one. Yet in all three cases the motive may be the very same: it may be neither more nor less than curiosity." In criticizing this citation I must point out that curiosity is not, properly speaking, an object of choice at all.

"Good morning, Mr Lynch," said Frank, and was turning away from him, when, remembering that he must have come from Dunmore, he asked, "did you see Martin Kelly anywhere?" "Can't say I did, my lord," said Barry, and he turned away completely silenced, and out of countenance. Martin had been talking to the huntsman, and criticizing the hounds.