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We're goin' ter make out we're travellin' in the big rockin'-cheer, goin' ter New Orleans, an' the little niggers is got ter be Injuns, hid all behin' the trunks an' beds an' door; an' after, we rock an' rock er lo-o-ong time, then we're goin' ter make out it's night, an' stretch mamma's big shawl over two cheers an' make er tent, and be cookin' supper in our little pots an' kittles, an' the little niggers is got ter holler, 'Who-ee, who-eee, an' jump out on us, an' cut off our heads with er billycrow."

"Weel, lad, what luck?" enquired Spink, as Swankie and he met the former with a grappling iron on his shoulder, the latter staggering under the weight of a mass of metal. "Not much," replied Swankie; "nothin' but heavy metal this mornin', only a bit of a cookin' stove an' a cannon shot that's all." "Never mind, try again.

"Yeh, I bet they looked like it, too. This ain't the farm. I got all I can do to tend to the house, without sewing." "I did it. I did the housework and the sewin' and cookin', an' besides " "A swell lot of housekeepin' you did. You don't need to tell me." The bickering grew to a quarrel. But in the end they took the downtown L together.

Sumfit, "I got that power over him, from doctorin' him, and cookin' for him, I persuaded him to help my poor Dahly in my blessed's need. I'd like him to do it by halves, but he can't." Master Gammon appeared round a corner of the house, his box, draped by his handkerchief, under his arm.

And the description the teamster gave just fitted Trixit to a T. Well, the information was give so public like that the detectives HAD to make a rush over thar, and b'gosh! although thar wasn't a soul passed them but a file of Chinese coolies, when they got thar they found NOTHIN', nothin' but them Chinamen cookin' their rice by the roadside."

Brown's good cookin' heart come out strong 'n' she pledged three pies right then n' there. I put myself down f'r a pan o' biscuit, 'n' Mr. Kimball said he believed 's the Aliens would outdo every one 'n' give a whole cow, without no urgin' neither. Mrs. Allen laughed a little, 'n' then Mrs. Macy come up so out o' breath 't it was all o' five minutes afore she could get out a word.

He was no half-acre farmer, but a worker of hundreds of acres; an' my little homestead was only a potato patch alongside of his. The queerest thing about his place was that there wasn't a woman on it. All the work, cookin' an' everything was done by men. Well, girls was scarce in those days an' those parts, an' perhaps that was the reason.

Now that you-all is yere, however, I'll give you notice that to-morry you can begin to do your own cookin' till you hears further word from me. I'm goin' to be otherwise an' more congenially engaged. Most likely I'll be back in my kitchen ag'in in a day or two; but I makes no promises. An' ontil sech time as I shows up, you-all can go scuffle for yourse'fs.

He plays the fiddle to the delight of all the balls and weddings through the country-side; and he speaks English to the admiration and envy of the other guides. But like all men of genius he is modest about his accomplishments. "H'I not spik good h'English h'only for camp fishin', cookin', dhe voyage h'all dhose t'ings." The aspirates puzzle him.

"Bring me another scuttle of coal, and, for goodness' sake, don't smoke that pipe in my kitchen." "What's the matter with this here pipe?" demanded Mr. House in some surprise. "Never mind. I'm busy." "Yes, cookin' pancakes for that all right, ALL RIGHT, I'll get your coal fer ye. I ought to be out helpin' Amos Vick to investigate fer his daughter, that's where I ought to be.