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Dinah means to ask him, I believe. I tell her that he is far too busy and important a personage to trouble with our small family concerns; but Dinah was quite indignant when I said that." "She has greater faith in his friendship, you see." But to this Elizabeth made no answer. She went on talking with assumed eagerness of the young couple. "Cedric intends to be married soon," she said. "Mr.

I am informed that you are engaged to my friend Cedric Templeton." It was evident that she was prepared for this the bolt out of the blue had not startled her. She stood still and looked at him with an air of proud displeasure. "May I ask the name of your informant, Mr. Herrick?" she asked coldly; but he saw that she knew.

He is going to stay at Beechcroft is that not the name of the place they have taken for the season?" "Yes, I believe so," returned Mrs. Godfrey in rather a perturbed tone. "Cedric, that boy, going to stay with the Jacobis!" And then she broke off and said abruptly, "I am sorry to hear it. I should not care for one of my boys to be thrown much into the society of Saul Jacobi and his sister."

"My dear fellow, would it not have been as well to find this out before you pledged yourself to the lady?" "There was no necessity for that," replied Cedric; "Jacobi seemed quite satisfied with my prospects. He is not a bit grasping.

"I thought it would be better not," he returned quietly. "I wanted to speak to you and your sister about something that seemed to me important." Then Elizabeth gave him one of her quick, searching glances. "It is about Cedric," she said abruptly "that boy has got into trouble again?" Then Malcolm bowed his head.

Cedric, I rise from the tomb a wiser man than I descended." "My ward, Rowena," said Cedric "you do not intend to desert her?" "Father Cedric," said Athelstane, "be reasonable. The Lady Rowena cares not for me she loves the little finger of my kinsman Wilfred's glove better than my whole person.

But it seemed to be unavoidable. And when, that evening, they sat together by the open window looking out into the shabby street, he and his mother had a long talk about it. Cedric sat on his footstool, clasping one knee in his favorite attitude and wearing a bewildered little face rather red from the exertion of thinking.

"I did this not only for your sake, and because you were the tool of a designing and unscrupulous man, but also for your sisters' sake. When I left her yesterday it was impossible to know how far I had succeeded in my purpose." Cedric looked up when Malcolm said this. "This morning Miss Jacobi sent me a note, and I went to her at once.

Betty?" he continued; but to every one's surprise Elizabeth demurred to this. "She was very sorry," she stammered, "but she had promised to go to Rotherwood." "Why, we are all going there after luncheon!" exclaimed Cedric. "Herrick wants to call at the vicarage, so we can leave him there, and you can go on to Rowan Cottage." But again Elizabeth hesitated.

I have at last touched the quick within thee. We may hope there is some redemption some possibility of bringing thee back from thy foulness " "Come, Cedric, come; we are late!" cried Sir Julian at the door. Lord Cedric turned to go, but Constance flew to his side and grasped his hand, "Nay, nay; thou shalt not leave me thus. Thou shalt not leave me to go to one who cares not one jot for thee!