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Three immense craters Theophilus, 64 miles across and 3-1/2 miles deep; Cyrillus, 60 miles across and 15,000 feet deep; and Catharina, 70 miles across and from 8,000 to 16,000 feet deep form an interlinked chain of mountain rings, ridges, precipices, chasms, and bottomless pits that take away one's breath.

"He is a good fellow, Liza, and I'm glad you love him. But haven't you just teased him!" "That was good for him," Liza said brightly. "Is he here to-day?" Robert Allitsen asked. Liza nodded. "Then I shall take your photographs," he said. While they had been speaking, Catharina rose from her seat, and passed into the house. Her mother followed her, and watched her go into the kitchen.

Then began the goodbyes, and the preparations for the return journey. Bernardine bent over Catharina, and kissed her sad face. "Fräulein will come again?" she whispered eagerly. And Bernardine promised. There was something in Bernardine's manner which had won the poor girl's fancy: some unspoken sympathy, some quiet geniality.

Each succeeding blow struck heavier and heavier. At last the sufferer said: "There is one more, but I have not the courage to O my lost Catharina!" One of the old dames said: "Ah, I knew her well, poor soul. A misfortune overtook her lover, and she died of sorrow nearly fifty years ago. She lieth under the linden tree without the court." Conrad bowed his head and said: "Ah, why did I ever wake!

This ended the last hope of the naval revolutionists to bring Peixoto to terms. Some of the ironclads escaped from the harbor and fled to Santa Catharina, where they were captured by the republicans. A few months sufficed to bring the revolt to an end, and republicanism was at length firmly established in Brazil.

But Bernardine smiled and shook her head, and went to greet the others who crowded round them; and at last poor Catharina drew near too, holding Bernardine's hand lovingly within her own. Then Hans, Liza's lover, came upon the scene, and Liza told the Disagreeable Man that she and Hans were to be married in a month's time.

Catharina, and listened scowling to the loud chants and tinkling bells, which came across the water from the Spanish fleet.

He knew that she referred to her lover, who had been lost in an avalanche the eve before their wedding morning. That was four years ago, but Catharina was still waiting. Allitsen remembered her as a bright young girl, singing in the Gasthaus, waiting cheerfully on the guests: a bright gracious presence. No one could cook trout as she could; many a dish of trout had she served up for him.

The Spaniards, sorely battered, and lessened in numbers, have, during the night, regained some sort of order. The English hang on their skirts a mile or two behind. They have no ammunition, and must wait for more. To Amyas's great disgust, the Sta. Catharina has rejoined her fellows during the night.

Then Catharina sat under the linden alone, every day and all day long, a great many years, speaking to no one, and never smiling; and at last her long repentance was rewarded with death, and she was buried by Conrad's side.