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After that he would or would not keep faith with him, as he chose. And as for Ralph, if he were really Robert Burnham's son, he would be rich enough at any rate, and if he were not that son he would not be entitled to wealth. There was no use, therefore, in being over-conscientious on his account.

He knew that on the coming Monday the jury would declare him to be Robert Burnham's son. After that, there would be nothing to prevent his mother from taking him to her home, and that she would do so there was no longer any doubt. When he awoke Sunday morning and thought it all over, it seemed to him that he had never been so near to perfect happiness in all his life before.

"You take my breath away! Who are you, then?" "I'm Ralph Burnham. I'm Robert Burnham's son." Ralph had not meant to disclose so much, in this place, to this fellow, but the words came out before he thought. It did not matter much anyway, every one would soon know it. "Robert Burnham's son? You don't mean the rich coal proprietor who died at his mine in Scranton last spring?"

Sharpman would go to Wilkesbarre. The evidence in the Burnham case would be closed. The jury would come into court and declare that he, Ralph, was Robert Burnham's son and it would be all a lie. Oh, no! he could not let that be done. His whole moral nature cried out against it. He must see Sharpman to-night and beg him to put a stop to so unjust a cause. To-morrow it might be too late.

And if I had to cook, and mind babies, and make clothes, and live with a tobacco-chewer and pipe-smoker, and get up before light and hurry him off to a factory, and wash and dress the children for school, and then clean and cook some more, maybe I wouldn't be quite like I am now. Maybe I wouldn't " "I am very sure of it." Mrs. Burnham's laugh was half a sigh.

The lawyer gazed at his visitor, apparently in doubt as to the man's veracity or sanity, and again there was silence. Finally Craft spoke. Another thought had come to him. "The boy's mother; she's living, ain't she?" "Burnham's widow? Yes; she's living." "Then I'll go to her! I'll make a new contract with her. The money'll be hers, now. I'll raise on my price! She'll pay it.

For example, in spite of those precautions which I adopted, and of the ceaseless vigilance of Cassim, the existence of a female inmate of the Bell House was soon a popular scandal throughout Upper Crossleys. For this I cared nothing; but far more perturbing was Nahémah's behavior on the occasion of a certain visit of Sir Burnham's legal adviser to Friar's Park.

Why, then the law would declare him to be Robert Burnham's son; the title, the position, the fortune would all be his; Mrs. Burnham would take him to her home, and lavish love and care upon him; all this unless unless he should tell what he had heard. Ah! there was a thought.

He thought of the letter in his pocket, and the desire grew strong within him to read it again. He took it out, unfolded it, and held it close to the light, but there seemed to be a mist before his eyes and he could not distinguish the words. He knew what it contained, though, and that was sufficient for him. He was Robert Burnham's son. His father had been brave and manly; so would he be.

Goodlaw," continued the judge, addressing Mrs. Burnham's attorney, "will you look at the bond and see if it is satisfactory to you?" Mr. Goodlaw took the bond, examined it, and returned it to the clerk. "I have no objection to make to it," he said. "Then we will approve the bond, Mr. Sharpman, and make the appointment. You have named Simon Craft as guardian. We are wholly unacquainted with him.