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It was written in 1825, nearly fifty years after the Declaration was signed, about midway between that glorious period and the Centennial. It is as follows: "Thomas Jefferson gives this writing-desk to Joseph Coolidge, Jr., as a memorial of affection. It was made from a drawing of his own by Benj.

That was enough! "Surely," thought I, "here is a diamond in the rough, and a 'gem, too, 'of purest ray serene'!" I caught the old man's hand and wrung it with positive rapture; and it is needless to go further in explanation of how the readers of our daily came to an acquaintance through its columns with the crude, unpolished, yet most gentle genius of Benj. F. Johnson, of Boone.

"Ther's one hundred shares made out to Benj Daubigny. I'd hev brought you over the deed of the land too, but ez it's rather hard to read off-hand, on account of the law palaver, I've left it up at the shanty to tackle at odd times by way of practising. But ef you like we'll go up thar, and I'll show it to you." Still haunted by his belief in Uncle Ben's small duplicities, Mr. Ford hesitated.

Statistics of the Colored People of Philadelphia in 1859, compiled by Benj. C. Bacon. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1898. Prepared by the Bureau of Statistics. Statistical View of the Population of the United States, A 1790-1830. Trades of the Colored People. United States Censuses.

If the poor could witness the white livers, the dropsies, or the shattered nervous systems which I have seen, the consequences of drinking, they would be aware that spirits and poisons are synonymous terms." Again he says: "We have all been in error in recommending wine as a tonic. Ardent spirits and poisons are convertible terms." Dr. Benj.

On the same day, the following gentlemen were elected by the House of Representatives as Managers to conduct the prosecution of the impeachment of the President before the Senate Hons. Jno. A. Bingham, of Ohio; George S. Boutwell, of Massachusetts; James F. Wilson, of Iowa; Benj.

"Very truly yours, "Benj. Harrison. "P. S. Responding to your telegram asking delay till Nov. 5, I would say that I have no disposition to hurry a decision. Others have been pressing me and complaining bitterly of delay. I think, however, that the sooner some of these cases can be treated as submitted for decision the better.

M. Taylor, M.D. Conway, Benj. Eyre, E. Dannreather, Rev. T.E. Brown, C.W. Sheppard, E.J.A. Balfour, P.B. Marston, A.C. De Burgh, J.H. McCarthy, J.H. Ingram, Rev. R.P. Graves, Lady Mount-temple, F.S. Ellis, W. Brockie, Rev. A.B. Grosart, Lady Hardy, Hubert Herkomer, Francis Hueffer, H.G. Dakyns, R.L. Nettleship, W.J. Stillman, Miss Blind, Madox Brown, H.R. Ricardo, Messrs.

He was married to Miss Sarah Fricker, October the 4th, 1795, and immediately after set off for his country abode. The following is a copy of the certificate: Married, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, to Sarah Fricker, Oct. 4th, 1795. Benj. Spry, Vicar. Witnesses, Martha Fricker, Josiah Wade." It happened in this case, as it often does where a duty devolves equally on two; both neglect it.

With the advice and assistance of doctors Brown, Thorne, Benj. Cory and Kelly, sixty-eight ounces of blood was removed from the sinus, by aspiration. One hour after this operation, the pulse was 140 and the temp. 104.