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"How!" said Sid, gravely, "why, the emblem of peace is the cornucopia, which your lady and you equitably divide: she carries the copia, and you the cor ." Nay, Morton, nay, I cannot finish the jest; for, after all, it was a sorry thing in little Sid, whom I had befriended like a brother, with heart and purse, to wound me so cuttingly; but 'tis the way with your jesters.

Carder, a lady who has befriended me very kindly while I have been waiting for you." "Yes, and who prevented me from havin' lunch with you," responded the stranger, eying Miss Upton jocosely; but as if he could not spare time from the near survey of Geraldine his eyes again swept over her hair and crimsoning cheeks. "I thought I felt some strong drawin' toward that particular table," he added.

At the entrance to the roof of this place, or leads, he stood and defended himself for some moments with success; but having received a blow himself, he was compelled to retire, while the mob behind forced those in front forward faster than he could by any exertion wield the staff that had so much befriended him on this occasion.

I do not say this was not my fault; and I will not pretend that the canal, like the mills of Manchester, was not running. I dare say I was not in the right hands, but this was not for want of trying to get into them. In the local delusion that it was then summer, those whose kindness might have befriended the ignorance of the stranger were "away on their holidays": that was exactly the phrase.

There was no feminine element. An Anarchist seldom marries. To him a woman is either a machine or the lightest of light episodes. Emile had not the least desire to make love to the girl whom he had for his own purposes befriended. He was a quick and subtle judge of character, and had seen at a glance that in her he would find a study of pronounced interest. Also she might prove of some utility.

Her object was gained: she was even with me, and with the woman who had befriended me, at last. "'Lie down in your bed again, she said, 'and think over what I have told you. In your own interests, think over it well. "I was left alone. "Shall I tell you what saved me from sinking under the shock? Ovid thousands and thousands of miles away Ovid saved me.

Good trails lead over the whole place, and sometimes we would go afield and call on some neighbor. Almost invariably they were Italians, who were thriving where improvident Americans had given up in despair. Always my friend found friendly welcome. This one he had helped out of a trouble with a refractory pump, that one he had befriended in some other way.

"You would have sold me, a man who did you no hurt, indeed a man who once befriended you you would have sold me into slavery for a matter of two hundred pounds...." "Nay, nay," cried the other fearfully, "as God's my witness, 'twas never part of my intent. Ye'll never ha' forgot the words I spoke to you, the offer that I made to carry you back home again."

Bradley looked after the disappearing figure of the man who had befriended him. "I have seen that man somewhere before," he said to himself. But in that he was wrong. He hadn't. Wealth is most unevenly and most unfairly divided. All of us admit that, but few of us agree about the remedy. Some of the best minds of the century have wrestled with this question in vain.

"Yes, sir." The girl at the switchboard called Mr. Foote and informed him. "He says to step right in, sir," she said, and before she was done speaking Lightener was on his way down the corridor. Mr. Foote sat coldly behind his desk. He held no kindness for Malcolm Lightener, for Lightener had befriended Bonbright in his recalcitrancy. Lightener had made it possible for the boy to defy his father.