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As there would have been no fight if the Lieutenant had been in the game, as you express it, the inference is that he was taken prisoner." "Granted for the sake of argument!" "Now," Ned continued, "you have seen Indian service, I understand, so you will no doubt recognize these signs in grass. Read them!" "Sure I can read them," exclaimed the Captain, "but I never would have discovered them.

He has helped, therefore he will help, is no good argument concerning men; but it is valid concerning God. The devout man's 'gratitude' is, and ought to be, 'a lively sense of favours to come. We should never doubt but that, as good John Newton puts it, in words which bid fair to last longer than Samuel's gray stone:

None of these different objects was seen separately by Denham, but from all of them he drew an impression of stir and cheerfulness. Thus it came about that he saw Katharine Hilbery coming towards him, and looked straight at her, as if she were only an illustration of the argument that was going forward in his mind.

An' his eyes was like black coals of fire. Greaves spread his big hands again, as if to wash them of this part of the dirty argument. "'When it comes to any wimmen I pass much less play a hand fer a wildcat like Jorth's gurl, said Greaves, sort of cold an' thick. 'Bruce shore ought to know her. Accordin' to talk heahaboots an' what HE says, Ellen Jorth has been his gurl fer two years.

There was one notable exception, his break with the Republicans while he was in the Senate on the question of discriminating in favor of American shipping through the Panama Canal. A clever lawyer's argument can be made that when the United States said "all nations" in its treaty with Great Britain regarding the Canal it meant all nations except itself. But Mr.

The Roman fellow whose words slipped out of my mouth almost unawares said nothing of arguing. 'Fear is the mark of only base minds': so it runs in English, captain; which is as much as to say that Captain Ben Barker is not the man to haul down his colors in a hurry." "You're right there. Another shot! That's their argument: well, Ben Barker can talk that way as well as another."

"I will use an argument you do not dream of, my, girl; and now, mark me, I am your friend. I have promised to solve the mystery surrounding your commission to the care of the Pearces many years ago. I will learn all about you, I will find the box." "What box?"

That the former argument, if ever so valid, was still too learned and scholastic, not for the vulgar only, but for every man in his times of moral trial, I felt instinctively persuaded: yet my intellect could not wholly dispense with it, and my belief in the depravity of the moral understanding of men inclined me to go some way in defending it.

Buckle's argument is just this: that if your heart is very much set upon a thing, you are perfectly sure to get it. Of course everybody has read the soliloquy in Addison's Cato, where Mr. Buckle's argument is set forth. I deem it not worth a rush. Do things usually turn out just as we particularly wish that they should turn out?

To sum up our argument: the fact that, so far as we have yet been able to learn, only a very small proportion of the visible worlds scattered through space are fitted to be the abode of life does not preclude the probability that among hundreds of millions of such worlds a vast number are so fitted.