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"Excuse me," she said, "I thought the room was empty." "We've just finished trying on," I said sweetly. "Don't go!" The Bishop's wife turned to her, her little fluttering hands held out appealingly. "And do not misunderstand me.

The artist looked at the tickets a little enviously. "I should like to go, myself," he said. "It's the first view." He glanced at Uncle William appealingly. The old man ignored it. "You couldn't go, noways," he said; "not if we're goin' to start to-morrow." The artist sighed. He was sitting in an arm-chair, wrapped in a blanket, a pillow behind his head. "I don't suppose I could." He sighed again.

"Oh, I do wish you hadn't done that," she said, hoarse with alarm. "Mother reads these letters every day, and oh, I do wish you hadn't done it! They are all scorched ruined, and I wouldn't have her know that I took them out of her trunk for anything. What shall we do about it? Oh, I know you didn't mean to do it." He had looked appealingly at her. "I wish I hadn't got them."

Looking behind him, he saw his poor sister clinging to the deck of the doomed ship, and stretching a hand appealingly in the direction of his boat. In an instant his senses returned to him. "Put back, men!" he cried, frantically. "It is certain death!" cried one of the crew.

Or gave you my Photograph, with an er touching inscription on it?" Then, appealingly, "You can't mean to deny that Photograph, Bab!" And then that lanky wretch of an Eddie Perkins brought me a toy Baloon, and I had to dance, with my heart crushed. Nevertheless, I ate a fair supper. I felt that I needed Strength.

In girlish, friendly fashion Carolina rested her hand on his arm. "Won't you take my advice, Mr. Haines? Go away without seeing him. Just leave a note to say you have gone. He will understand. It will be easier for both that way easier for him, easier for you." She paused, looking at him appealingly as she ended very softly, "And easier for me, Mr. Haines." He looked at her thoughtfully.

The servant of the Foreign Office looked, unhappily, at the Cabinet Minister, and puffed, nervously, on his cigar. "It's true, Sir Andrew, that I am a Queen's Messenger," he said, appealingly, "and a Russian woman once did try to rob a Queen's Messenger in a railway carriage only it did not happen to me, but to a pal of mine. The only Russian princess I ever knew called herself Zabrisky.

As she did so she raised her eyes to mine for a single moment appealingly; a swift blush spread over her pale cheeks and forehead. With mingled feelings I took it, but, all said, I was glad. She did not show any perturbation in giving the letter to the Detective she might not have shown any to anyone else.

Once he saw the Kid standing before the sergeant in charge in an attitude of complete exhaustion, and caught a glint of his blue eyes as he looked up appealingly, looking like a child begging out of a spanking.

He appeared to be entranced, and when the music stopped he laid his hand on George's knee, and looked up appealingly. There was not a single motion in his features which showed appreciation or pleasure or excitement; but aside from that every action of his body indicated exhilaration and undue animation.