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You may remember his name, for his family lived in the county in which we passed some time. Lieutenant Rupert Holliday, of the English dragoons." Adele had not looked up as her father spoke.

Her act called for a return pressure. He gave it, much as a woman's salutation would have made him unconsciously move to lift his hat. "While Adele was dressing me for dinner " she began. At that name, he moved so that her arm dropped from his; but she did not connect her maid with her former bosom friend.

Dubois, Adèle, and John were accustomed to accompany him. Daily, about an hour after breakfast, the little party might have been seen fitting off for a canter through the forest. In the evening, the group was joined by Mr. Dubois and the missionary.

As to the rest, you would have spent as much in taking two places in the diligence." "You are very kind, sir, but I cannot accept your gift. I am not worthy of it, and I should be still less worthy if I accepted the money. Adele, let us go. Forgive us, sir, if we have wasted half an hour of your time. Come, my poor child." "Wait a moment, father."

But the Blessed Mother heard the prayers of the Church for your recovery, and so his soul was saved from " "He anathematised the Church because of me?" Adele interrupted, fear gleaming in her eyes. For a few moments no one spoke. The painful silence was broken by her father struggling to his feet.

"I was at your age my Adèle when I first met your father. He was not the bronzed and careworn man you see him now. Ah! no. He was young and gay, with a falcon glance and, black wreathing locks hanging over his white, smooth brow. His father was of noble blood, and sympathized warmly with the dethroned Bourbons. He was no lover of the great Consul.

My angel, I have been endeavouring to persuade our friends to remain with us at Sainte Marie instead of journeying on to Lake Champlain." "At least leave your White Lily at Sainte Marie," said the dusky princess, speaking in excellent French, and clasping with her ruddy fingers the ivory hand of Adele.

<b>KINDT, ADELE.</b> This painter of history and of genre subjects won her first prize at Ghent when less than twenty-two, and received medals at Douai, Cambrai, Ghent, and Brussels before she was thirty-two. Was made a member of the Brussels, Ghent, and Lisbon Academies. Born in Brussels, 1805. Pupil of Sophie Frémiet and of Navez.

Rupert wrote a few words of earnest thanks, and imitating the example set him, gave it unaddressed and unsigned to the lackey, with a handsome present to himself. On the way to Lille, the marquis told Rupert his plans for the withdrawal of Adele from court, and her concealment, should Louis insist on the marriage being pressed on.

They say Dicky was half dead with fright, and wanted to put in anywhere. Chiltern sent him below and kept right on. He has a devil in him, I believe. By the way, that's Dicky Farnham's ex-wife he's talking to Adele. She keeps her good looks, doesn't she? What's happened to Rindge?" "Left him on the other side, I hear," said Carrington. "Perhaps she'll take Chiltern next.