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Damerel seemed to fall into abstraction, answered with a vague 'Yes, and after surveying the room, said softly: 'So you must live here alone for another two or three years? 'It isn't compulsory: it's only a condition. Another vague 'Yes. Then: 'I do so wish Horace would come back and make his home here.

'Do you hear his worship ask if you've anything to say? inquired the jailer, nudging the silent Dodger with his elbow. 'I beg your pardon, said the Dodger, looking up with an air of abstraction. 'Did you redress yourself to me, my man? 'I never see such an out-and-out young wagabond, your worship, observed the officer with a grin. 'Do you mean to say anything, you young shaver?

Geniuses in the impenetrable depths of abstraction and pure speculation, situated, so to speak, above all dogmas, propose their ideas to God. Their prayer audaciously offers discussion. Their adoration interrogates. This is direct religion, which is full of anxiety and responsibility for him who attempts its steep cliffs. Human meditation has no limits.

From a logical point of view, the Declaration of Independence either affirmed the freedom of the African immigrant, or it denied his humanity. Because each state continued almost as a separate sovereign entity, the Declaration of Independence became a philosophical abstraction, and the status of the African in America was determined independently by each.

Pope, treading in the steps of this model, fancies himself reconciled to poverty. Poverty, however, suddenly presents herself, not as a high poetic abstraction, but in that one of her many shapes which to Pope had always seemed the most comic as well as the most hateful.

He could merely draw together a vague abstraction of a man to whom the storm and the wild geese who ride the storm had meaning and relationship. The logic which he loved was breaking to pieces in the hands of Randall Byrne. Silence, after all, is only a name, never a fact. There are noises in the most absolute quiet.

The wind blew keenly from the north-east, accompanied with a violent shower of sleet and rain; yet such was the abstraction of his mind, that he hardly observed its bitterness, but walked on, careless whither his feet led him, until he stopped opposite St. Martin's church. "God is my only friend! and in any house of His I shall surely find shelter!"

In opposition, it has given a powerful faculty to the sentimental poet, or, rather, it has imprinted an ardent feeling on him; this is to replace out of himself this first unity that abstraction has destroyed in him, to complete humanity in his person, and to pass from a limited state to an infinite state.

Let me hear your voice, jewel; only let me hear your voice." Una stooped and affectionately kissed her, but made no reply for some minutes. She then began to undress, which she did in fits and starts; sometimes pausing, in evident abstraction, for a considerable time, and again resuming the task of preparing for bed.

It was a beautiful day, and the man in the wagon seemed unusually loath to attend to business. The tired ponies slept in the shade of the lombardies. The plain was draped in a warm mist, and shadowed by vast, vaguely defined masses of clouds a lazy June day. "Dodd's Family Bitters," said the man, waking out of his abstraction with a start, and resuming his working manner.